Mac, I believe that someone did an experiment on brush deflection about 30 yrs ago. They shot at some wood dowels and compared the bite on the dowel with the deflection for several bullets, and the bullet wt did not matter.
Now, I suspect that heavier bullets retain velocity better so they do more damage when they hit, but "heavier" does not mean "more likely to hit".
Back to the original subject and poster, I notice no one has pointed out that extra barrels are available for the Handi Rifle, and are inexpensive. True, switching a scope means re-zeroing the scope and an extra scope costs money, but it's an option.
Reloading is not for everyone, I grant, but no one /has/ to reload just because he has a reloading kit. Lee Loaders are the cheapest kit around, take up next to no space, and do not involve pinched or cut off fingers if some little kid gets into it. They cost about $25 new and can be stored for 100's of yrs without damage to them, if they are stored right. When tight times come again, the only expenses would be for powder, primers, and bullets, all of which can be stored for 100yrs without deterioration. Total cost today for over 200 loads (depending on chambering) would be less than $100. 200 loads, 10 boxes of ammo, about $250.
No one has to reload today to make buying or trading for the basic supplies sensible, and the economy is not going to improve in the near future. Better to get them now, you might not be able to afford them later.