Author Topic: looking for opinions  (Read 642 times)

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Offline irold

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looking for opinions
« on: November 20, 2007, 02:07:26 PM »
I have 4 days to come to a decision on which caliber to use for opening day in Pa for deer.  I've been loading and testing all summer for this, now I don't know which way to go...Here are my options :

A :   12" Encore in 460 S&W Mag with 240 gr Xtps with 47 gr of W 296
B :   12" Encore in 44 Mag with 240 XTP with 24 gr of W 296
C :   10" Contender in 357 Max with 180 XTPs also with 296 ( forgot the exact load ) at about 1800 FPS

All barrels are shot in , and will do the job , at least in the accuracy department .  I'll be hunting in extremely brushy conditions , from a ground blind, shots will be anywhere from 20 yards to a max of 75 yards...can't see any further than that.  The 357 Max and 460 barrels are both wearing 2X scopes, the 44 barrel has a red dot on it.  My first thought is a bigger , heavier bullet ought to cut the brush better than a smaller , faster bullet......... ??  any thoughts on this ??  Both the 44 and 460 have prior kills, the 357 barrel is the new comer this summer....I'm tempted to try it out , but don't want to lose any advantage the big bores would give me.....there's a huge buck or two running in the brush where I'm going to be at ....Would like to hear your thoughts ...Thanks ,  Irold

Offline corbanzo

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2007, 02:21:49 PM »
I would do the .357 just cause it doesn't have blood on it yet.  It's plenty of bullet.  I once saw a 200 grain bullet out of a 300 win mag get deflected off a willow before, and go way off target.  So just don't plan on hitting too much brush....
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Offline rbergum95

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 02:55:49 PM »
i say the .357. i hunt in pa also and brush deflects bullets no matter how big they are. besides, there isnt a deer in pa that wont fall to 180 xtp out to 75 yards.

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 04:11:52 PM »
Give the Max a try Irold. Show it's bigger brothers what it's made of.


Offline kennisondan

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 05:11:12 PM »
I certainly think that the 357 Max 180 grain bullet at 1800 fps will take any buck at 75 yards and under with real finality... as long as you have confidence in the accuracy it is sufficient for the job I am sure...those numbers are similar enough to the 35 remington for me to know that much about your round and its effectiveness.
dan k

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2007, 01:56:19 AM »
Throw out the "heavier bullet ought to cut the brush better than a smaller" Bullets are not meant to cut through brush, any bullet can be deflected. Always wait for a clear shot.
 With that said, any of the round you mentioned will work at the range you mentioned. Just pick the one you shoot the best and what you personally feel comfortable with.
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Offline irold

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Re: looking for opinions
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2007, 07:30:20 AM »
Sounds pretty cut and dry.....guess I'll be wearing the Max for this year.  Your right ,  Redhawk ,  I've given that same advice before also.... ".shoot what your comfortable with " .   There's not doubt , at times I do think about the recoil of the 460 before the shot...not so much afraid to squeeze the trigger....just being aware of the potential of injury.... I;ve learned the hard way not to lay my hand against a tree for support ,  etc........thanks for your opinions     I'll let you know how the Max makes out....