Just returned from a two day trip. Nice adventure on a low elevation lake. The lake is full of old dead oaks. When we arrived the caretaker told us that the crappie fishing was hot. One group of fishermen had taken home over 600 the week before. The group was made up of a family of ten. Another couple told us that they had caught and release two hundred the evening before. The were catching the fish standing in their boat tied to the dock. The dock is around the corner from the boat ramp.
The father-in-law and I went down and checked out the ramp. It was in good shape. In the past we had to deal with a nasty washout above the ramp. I walked along the shore from the ramp and noticed a lot of perch on nest along the shoreline. We setup camp about a quarter mile from the lake, and forgot about putting the boat in the water because of strong winds, and whitecaps.
While the father-in-law napped I grabbed a pole, worms, chair, and headed down to the ramp. I had caught and release 15-20 Red Ear Perch when he joined me. We continued to catch and release fish for another hour.
The next morning we went after trout and kokanee salmon, with little results. I caught one very nice rainbow. (Tonights dinner)
Mid morning pulled the boat into a little cove and let the dog out for a run. Spotted a Rattlesnake, and put the dog back on board. I do not need a snake bit dog. We returned to camp and nap time when the father-in-law spotted a rattler crawing past my army cot. I grabbed the dog and put him in the dog box. The snake coiled up under the boat trailer. At that point he lost his head to a shovel.
Evening fishing was hot for crappie. The couple told us to go down and fish from their tied up boat. There was a group fishing from the dock. They were hualing in a ton of crappie. First cast and I had one on. The fishing was hot, but they were also small. I had caught perch at the ramp that were bigger. We gave up after awhile because of the crowd and went over to ramp. I caugth and release a couple of hard fighting squawfish.
The next morning we tried trout, kokanee, and bass fishing without results. The water was very clear, and I suspect the bass had been hit real hard. I worked the boat up a narrow draw and tied off to a dead oak. I dropped a leadhead, with a salt and pepper tail. Action time. We caught and released numerous crappie. While there were a few large ones, there were numerous small ones. We had double hook ups all the time. This isolated location provided us more fishing enjoyment then the crowed dock fishing. I did and still have a major regret, I did not have my granddaughters or grandson with me. What an oppertunity to give those kids, then again it would have spoiled them