I would take a 30-06 if possible, but would not hesitate to go with a 25-06.
I am very glad to hear someone finally say they would pass on a shot they didn't
feel good about. I went Elk hunting this year with a 50cal hawkin side lock, KNOWING
i would not shoot at an elk past 125yds with it, now i guess i could have went out and bought
an inline, and planned on 250yds.
It is good to hear people say they have limitations, the man said he was planning on shots out
to 200yds, if he has set his limits, they are his, said he passed on a big deer because it was
300yds. Guess he hasn't posted enough to make that kind of shot, or just needs a larger
weapon then he could make those shots. who are we to tell a man he needs to shoot 300-350
yards, to me their is a lot more to HUNTING than shooting 300-500 yards
FORGOT TO CK AND SEE HOW MANY POST I HAD. sorry if i offended anyone, but if i did you probably needed it