But unless you are a trained machinist - with YEARS of experience.
Do not do this job yourself!
Pay someone that is a trained gunsmith or machinist to do it for you!
First off, using a hand reamer is not a precision way of doing a job. It is a hack job at best.
There is no way to keep the OD and ID consistent when you are holding the work in a vise and the tool in your hand.
Second off, like others has said, you can actually do more damage than good trying to do it yourself.
If you had to ask for advise, chances are that you do not know what you are doing.
I have seen fist hand, guns manufactured by Browning and Winchester that were not machined properly and had to be JUNKED because the price of the barrel - action was more than the value of the gun.
I'm sure that you are going to say - how is that possible?
Well if you ever done any work to a BLR - Browning Lever Rifle - you will know that there are no aftermarket barrels sold for that model and even if there was, the cost would be terrific.
A man with such a gun and with knowledge that it isn't according to spec's cannot sell that firearm in good faith to someone for what they paid for it. Or sell it without some liability risk.
Browning refused to take it back after a 90 day grace period.
I'm sure that you have good intentions, but as my grandma said - the road to hell was paved with good intentions.