The DNR says we registered over 5000 deer in Sawyer county during the 2007 9 day gun deer season. In their dreams, maybe.
The 2000 census showed a population of 16, 196 or about 13 people per square mile in Sawyer county. If every inch of Sawyer county was deer habitat, the DNR figures indicate we killed about 4 deer per square mile in the 9 day gun season. Then add in their figures for archery deer, muzzle loading deer and doe season deer. Add in car kills.
It seems to me that we are killing about 1.5 deer in Sawyer county for every one deer that exists. Maybe that explains why we hear few shots, see fewer deer every year, yet somehow we kill a half million deer a year in Wisconsin.
Perhaps rather than audit the SAK formula, we should provide arithmetic lessons to the DNR bureaucrats in Madison. Or maybe we should each take a stupid pill so we could believe the DNRs kill figures.
I noticed that the orange deer registration form now has a place to indicate if the deer was killed on public or private land. That will be interesting to see when tallied up. By the way, have you seen the free DNR publication titled [/u] 2006 Wisconsin Big Game Hunting summary? Very informative.