I have used Swift scopes over the past years, but Swift has changed owners and the last Swift 4x12x40 AO Premiere that I bought ended up giving away. Never could hold zero. Put my Burris back on and groups went from 7" to under 1.5" @ 100yds.
Their was a little yellow note saying something to the effect of " send your scope to be repaired to Dorchester, Mass. So I box up the scope with the targets and an explanation of what was going on and sent Priority After 3 weeks the scope returns with a note saying there is no such address. I contacted Eabco (the company which I purchased it from) and they gave me the new owner's phone number. So I called them and they weren't very helpful at all. Nothing like past dealings with Swift. I even took this scope to a local Swift dealer to try and get a replacement but no luck.
After missing the first month of deer season and all the other stuff, I would run "Swiftly" away from those scopes if I were you, he he. Hope this helps.
31 bertram