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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2007, 06:31:39 AM »
Thanks, Graybeard. 

IMHO:  There is something wrong when a moderator quotes the Rolling Stones and VPC as reliable sources.   

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2007, 07:16:28 AM »
Sorry to hit it again... the only question I really have is... what does it take to get even the mention of your name banned on here?  GB - I missed all the problems with one guy (a TC guy) who is banned from being mentioned.  Always been curious about that...  I think I was PCS'ing about that time and just missed it all.


It takes a LOT. It's been explained in great detail too many times to rehash again here but a short version is:

The person in question was a paid advertiser on the site. I had been warned going in by several notables in the industry I'd regret letting him in but did so anyway. Once here and an advertiser rather than toot his own horn he felt a need to attack other competitors in the business and talk about how lousy all other TC barrel makers were rather than how great he was. He was warned numerous times of rules violations and that it could not continue but he refused to obey the rules. As a result he was given a full refund of his six months payment as an advertiser even tho he had gotten four months worth of advertising already. He was then told to not post further unless he could follow the rules and he still would not so he was banned.

At that point he contacted Matt and explained to Matt that he MUST over ride my decision and allow himself back not only to post as he wished but as an advertiser. He said that if this did not happen them the GBO site would self destruct and just fold up within six months. At this point his name, website and about all variations there of were placed on the censored word list.

Needless to say many years later GBO is still here and bigger than ever. Over the years we've had several folks leave and assure us that their departure would surely bring about the end of the GBO site as no one would bother with it without them here. Lots of folks seem to have big heads and little minds and think they are far more important in the grand scheme of the universe than they really are.

From Day One this site has had a set of rules and that set of rules has changed very little since day one. We've gradually altered them as needed mostly for clarification and to cover the legal bases but not to change the basis of how this site it run. It is not and never has been intended as a place for everyone. It's a place for those who can and will follow the simple rules we've established. Anyone who cannot or will not follow those simple rules is not wanted or welcome and we feel we're better off for those folks NOT being here. We do not want ANY DISSATISFIED GBO MEMBERS. We'd rather you just go away than stay and be unhappy. The rules we have in place are in our opinion the REASON the site has grown as it has over the years. We feel most folks actually prefer a place where the language is kept clean and where ladies and children can come and not be offended by foul language and off color jokes. We feel most folks prefer a place where personal attacks and name calling and such are not the norm. Those folks who do not feel as we do we don't want here anyway so it's no loss at all that they are not here in fact i's a very positive thing from our perspective.

And yes to the comment I've been in a foul mood of late. I'm old and cranky and at times am gonna be that way. I promise you one thing, if you'll open up a site such as this and try to run it and make arrangements to pay the thousands of dollars a year it cost to operate it and maintain it then you'll understand real clearly why I am at times more cranky than at others. Anyone not believing that just give it a try and come back and tell me a year or three down the road I was wrong.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2007, 01:07:56 PM »
first amendment free speech rights refer to criticizing the government It does not refer to private property .I have told people to shut up or leave in my home nicely first not so nicely the second time there will not be a third warning you get removed . this is Graybeards house if I don't like the rules I'll just go some where else,An invited guest follows the host's rules,  this are basic hill folk manners that I have been taught since I can remember. I like this forum so I try to follow the rules
Thanks for providing this forum Graybeard

I will agree with what Roy said, it pertains to the government not private property or private places and the government does not run this forum; Graybeard runs it. It has nothing to do with 1st Amendment Rights. Practicing 1st Amendment Rights would be used on a public sidewalk or public place as a sidewalk is government property. If you carry your loaded pistol inside a gun store, they will tell you to leave or come back when it's unloaded and the only ones there that has a loaded pistol is the folks behind the counter. That's Rules that the gun store has.
The Mountain
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Offline Don Fischer

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2007, 03:31:48 PM »
I have no idea what it takes to get the boot here. Seems to me everyone is pretty much allowed to speak their mind, in fact it seems even a bit of name calling is allowed. What I really find distasteful is this hitting the open forum like this. Whats the point of that? I get the feeling that it was expected that GB would receive a good deal of embarrassment from this. I also have an idea that this would in no way embarrass him. I think that under the circumstances the proper thing to have done would have to have notified GB of this privately and gone away. It's a sad thing that Redhawk chose this way to end it.
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Offline Fazak

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2007, 05:43:21 PM »
Anybody who quotes Morris Dees in order to slam the GOA deserves to be called out on it.

Greybeard took a stand,.. and it was the correct one to take.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2007, 02:08:55 AM »
seems like every post ive made pertaining to this disappears.....hmmm

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2007, 02:15:26 AM »

 I'll say one thing, If you don't like the way things are run here,
 Just move on and shut up.              Marv.


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2007, 02:33:14 AM »
Gee ! some body has to wear the stripped shirt and blow the whistle !
If it were not GB it would be someone else calling the shots !
we all play on the same field , been called down myself at which time i had to decide if i wanted to play or not !
i figured i could play by the rules , maybe get away with a push every so often but respect the site !
what i have found that most anything can be said here as long as its said in a constructive manner and not just a mean statement !
If ya feel the need to go , GOOD LUCK ! If ya stay just choose your words careful and enjoy !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2007, 02:59:20 AM »
Folks, this is 2007.. Fixen to be 2008 !

In 1987, I'd of agreed 99% with Redhawk and that lil 45 dude..

In 1997 I'd of agreed Mostly, with a few things raising my eyebrow...

Now were in 2007, Many things have come to light, Much like Enron the NRA has taken a Bad turn for the worse, yet people that always supported them refuse to open their eyes and See the bad... Many, like the 2 Former members of this site are so ate up that they will admit NO wrong doing or judgement errors on the NRA's part. It's been beat into the ground, but if they had a Perfect record on Everything Else.. Supporting the McCarthy-Leahy bill  Vetrans Disarmment Gun Control bill is enough to cut All ties...

I wish both of them well, They believe in something and support it blindly.. Often thats a good thing, but today it's not.


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2007, 03:22:37 AM »
the NRA is big business pure and simple , a business that can benefit shooters but also hurt them !
As with any business they will do as they have to in order to survive and turn a profit !
as NRA members we may need to remind them where the profit is generated . They seemed to be headed much like Govt. in a direction where they want to tell us what we need not reflect what we want !
on the same order GB is a business sort of and it must be controlled also we must remember to survive it must appeal to enough support , if only 2 leave then many must still support !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2007, 04:01:26 AM »
seems like every post ive made pertaining to this disappears.....hmmm

This forum has no Moderator so you can rule out that immediately. Only myself, Matt or a Global could delete from here. Being a Moderator yourself you can go to the Trash Can and verify that none of us have in fact deleted any of your posts recently.

Ergo there is but TWO things that can be at fault and those are both the little grimlins that I do not like about this software. The first and least likely is you have spell check engaged and are trying to use smilies. As I've said many times the spell check and smilies just don't work well together and generally you end up losing your post but before you tell it to post so should be aware of that one.

The other is the one I HATE the most about this software. If you are typing and someone else makes a post while you are rather than your post being made it brings up a message telling you someone else posted while you were typing and that you "might want to read it" before posting. Ya ain't gonna read it but you dang sure do have to tell it to POST one more time or your message flies off into cyberspace never to be seen or heard of again. I've lost my fair share of them that way too until I learned about that feature and lost one yesterday like that as well. I had a lost connection to the internet when I tried to post and wasn't able to get back on for awhile and just plain forgot that I needed to do that again when I got back on so that post went off into cyberspace on me.

This thread has been busy and chances are when I try to post this one I'm gonna get that message just as I'm sure you did. Never just assume the post took. Wait and verify it took before moving on. If you get the message then just hit POST again and it will take.

No one has been deleting your posts it's just the software grimlin that we can't seem to do anything about. Some folks might like the feature, me I HATE it.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2007, 04:11:23 AM »
First all ,I have been reading this site for some time now and think that the knowledge and wisdom shared here is just phenomanal. I would like to thank GB and Matt for allowing all of us a chance to state our OPINIONS,and in certain subjects knowledge of a variety of things. I think that some people seem to loose sight of what made this country great FREEDOM ,isnt that what so many of our forefathers have made the ultimate sacrifice for? GB has not in my OPINION censored anyone ,only tried to keep things from getting completely out of hand which is what the Anti's want us to do . If we stay busy fighting each other over things that dont really matter then , they dont have to fight us over the things that do. Folk need to quit bickering like little old ladies at the beauty shop and get a grip on what is really happening around them. SO WHAT if someone does not like what color your socks are, the world is not gonna end because of it. It is why they made vanilla and choclate . We have a government that is trying to force us to not only allow ILLEGAL not immigrants ( they followed the rules) but ALIAN'S into this country ,and to feed cloth ,house ,provide healthcare ,and EDUCATE them. While here at home our own children cannot seem to get what is theirs by birthright. I have a 6 year old son who was born blind and have had to fight ,threaten , and force the school system to provide him with what is his by right. Now do any of you here think that I give a rats A@# what you think of my political views . HMMM let me see ..... NO! I will discuss debate or what ever you want to do with you ,even give you the chance to change my mind about things. At the end of the day when all is said and done , I will still stand shoulder to shoulder with you to defend what is ours, Freedom. I hope that i havent offended anyone ,but if I did ... OH WELL , I dont pay your bills ,you dont pay mine, so guess what ... IT doesnt matter. I am still here , call me anytime to defend this great country of ours . Once again ,thanks to GB and Matt for allowing us a place to share,discuss , debate ,fight , bicker ,and argue all of our ideas ,passions ,and views without having to drive all over the country . I say if anyone who plays here doesnt like the rules , they need to pick up their marbles and go home. But they need to remember who is gonna be there in the middle of the night when this great nation needs them most,saying dont worry about this side i gotcha covered.


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2007, 04:22:26 AM »
my prob with RED is he will make a big statement like YOU GUYS AND YOUR CRAP GUNS
then when the heat gets high he crawfishes.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2007, 04:59:59 AM »
I say if the shoe fits then wear it. If it doesn't then don't.

Good post and I think that this just about Say's it all. The good part about Men verse Women is that Men can fight and argue but yet still be friends.
REDHAWK1...Politics always did make for a strange bedfellow. It is kind of like the old cartoon where one hunter is telling the other (if we talk politic's, you walk in front!)

Now please get back here and start posting again. Your overall firearms and hunting experience will be missed if you don't.
Besides...You are addicted to Graybeard Outdoors just like I am. ;D

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2007, 05:28:42 AM »
The first and least likely is you have spell check engaged and are trying to use smilies.
nope, that aint it.   the posts were made and appeared on the board.  i checked.  now they are gone.

have you ever noticed that if a person starts a thread,  moderator powers are available to that person in that thread?  in any forum.  it appears that you must be the one to have started the post, though.  perhaps this is only true with moderators, i dunno.     you might want to check that out.  i know nothing i posted was worthy of being deleted,  but i suspect that redhawk deleted them.    nothing would surprise me at this point.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2007, 05:45:51 AM »
No that's not correct. The initial poster cannot do any moderator functions in their post unless they are in fact the Moderator of that forum. In fact once there has been a post below theirs to it they cannot even delete their own post from that point forward. Since Redhawk1 asked to be removed as a Moderator I removed him as soon as he made the request as I do for any Moderator who askes to be removed.

From that point he no longer could remove any posts. If someone had removed them they would be in the trash can. I've looked and cannot find your missing posts there. No one but me or Matt can remove a post from the trash can not even global mods can do that. Matt never bothers with such and I for sure have not.

I just honestly dunno what to tell you. I still believe that what happened is my second sceario as it sure at times can make you think the post was made when it wasn't.

You can edit out the text of your own post but the post remains if you do. The forum moderator in this case there isn't one can edit or delete a post but if deleted it goes to the trash can and no one can prevent that and no one but me can remove it from there. That way I can know what posts any mod even a global mod removes. That's the purpose of the trash can.

Like I say I cannot rationalize your missing post other than it got caught in that time warp that prevents it from posting due to someone else making a post while you were typing and you just thought it posted. Other than that I have no clue what might have happened to it.

Feel free to repost it.

Looking thru this thread I find a total of four posts made by you. Two on page one and two now on page two. Might the missing posts be those two on page one of this thread? How many do you feel are missing?

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2007, 07:32:50 AM »
I've had a few posts not take when I thought they did. But I usually forget to preview so end up looking at the post, misspelled words and all! Now and again it ain't there. That smiley thing wipes out a post right now. I should turn off the spell check but I keep forgetting I have it on the computer anyway. God forbid anyone should find out how stupid I really am. ;D
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2007, 07:43:00 AM »
Mine does it every now and then and what you do is right click and hit undo and it will get rid of the smiley and put back what you typed. You cannot do it twice it will not work. I never preview my post if I mi spell it then Ill use the edit feature.
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2007, 10:58:24 AM »
Looking thru this thread I find a total of four posts made by you. Two on page one and two now on page two. Might the missing posts be those two on page one of this thread? How many do you feel are missing?
at least 3 that were posted are gone.   when i have more time i will explain what is going on with 'mystry moderator powers'.    i know those posts appeared on the board as i always check to ensure it goes though.   believe me someone deleted them. 

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #49 on: December 05, 2007, 11:09:59 AM »
myronman3 I can only delete my post here but not yours or  anyones. Could have been a glitch in the server and it didn't save but still appeared ??? And Redhawk just seems to be logging in to see if were still on his subject acting like a 5 year old. I think is what happened that it appeared but wasn't saved ??? so whats your theory?
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2007, 12:07:01 PM »
We all make our choices to leave or stay. It's still a country free enough that we can go start our own board if'n this one don't suit.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2007, 12:10:54 PM »
myronman3 I can tell you this. When you first said you had posts come up missing it sounded unusual to me. So I myself went to the trash can to look for them. They simply are not there. I would have to side with GB on this and say it was Gremlins. Because even if Redhawk1 would of deleted them thats where they would end up. Dale
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2007, 12:17:02 PM »
at least 3 that were posted are gone.   when i have more time i will explain what is going on with 'mystry moderator powers'.    i know those posts appeared on the board as i always check to ensure it goes though.   believe me someone deleted them. 

myronman, why don't you just repost them and lets move on. I checked some posts that I started in several other forums and I couldn't delete any of them. All I could do was modify mine. I have posted a bunch of times myself and thought the post went through only to find out that it didn't. When that happens I just repost it. I have even caught myself highlighting and copying my post just in case it didn't so I could paste it in the repost. These forums don't always do things exactly like we want them to.
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2007, 12:20:06 PM »
I'm definitely interested in hearing what Myronman has to say if he thinks he's found a glitch that's letting something that happen that is not supposed to be happening. There is at least supposed to be no possible way to delete a post or thread without it going into the trash can. The software is set to ALWAYS move them there upon deletion and only me and Matt have permission to take any action on any post once in the trash can. Not even global mods can touch them once there.

I'm skeptical but open to info that a glitch is manifesting itself.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2007, 12:38:23 PM »
Graybeard I did notice I deleted a post and it went to cyberspace but I thought nothing of it and I still don't really because it was in the Henry Forum.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2007, 04:09:13 PM »
I have been around here pretty close to a year now. I spend a lot of time here. I have posted to threads many times in the earlier days and they did not seem to show up. I even Pm Quick about it. If he remembers. I think what it was is when I make a post there was a message that someone else made a post before me and I should review it. Well I did not and it went out into cyberspace. I really think you guy's are on a witch hunt here. I just think it is a glitch in the system and when you know what to look for it is no longer a problem. Dale
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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2007, 02:52:57 AM »
Yeah I know mine was. It was old and made no sense so I deleted it and I noticed it didn't go to the trash.  It really doesn't matter.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2007, 03:40:15 AM »
I have even caught myself highlighting and copying my post just in case it didn't so I could paste it in the repost
i do that everytime.
why don't you just repost them and lets move on.
  long story short is that i dont have a typical keyboard, so let me just say that typing isnt easy on this thing.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #58 on: December 06, 2007, 03:49:14 AM »
the first post i made was in moderators only forum.  matter of fact, that is where 2 posts went awol. 
only 1 has vanished from here. 

it dont really matter though,  the whole point i was trying to make is that its been a long time since ive seen any positive or helpful stuff from red.  that was the root of my dislike for him.  i pretty much figured this is how it would go.  but i am sure he will (if not already)  create another i.d. to check in here without us knowing. enjoying the b.s. he created.

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Re: Open post to Graybeard
« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2007, 04:10:26 AM »
Well, to cut to the chase, I am a member at other boards as well. It is pretty cool when just about every board I've been to says if you really want to know the REAL DEAL, you need to go to GBO. There is a gosh awful ocean of knowledge here to say the very least. When a lot of people have knowledge about whatever, there is always going to be a difference of opinion. And LOOK AT ALL THE DIFFERENT FORUMS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Look, I started reloading only a couple of years ago, and I come here as well as other places to LEARN MORE! I'd expect this kind of crap from a bunch of old biddies, but not from a bunch of grown men. Like someone mentioned before, I don't get caught up in personal stuff. I listen to some of you gurus so I will learn more. I'm 54 yrs old and I feel I have a long whole lifetime to learn. If there was someone as was said before that figured he could do things  to change things, well guess again. I have had times when I get answers to my questions, that could have been said a little better, but that person might have had a bad experience. Also, this back biting just helps the A N T I S think the very worst of us. I feel that this site is probably the most informative ( gun site for me) that I 've had the pleasure to be a member of!
BTW, I would like to use the smilies every now and then. Do I have to turn off the spell check and sorry for being such a dunce, I like to without losing some of my posts which has happened to me?
Anything worth learning can't be taught in a classroom.