hyltoto: I think that if you are going to use a pistol in 10mm to hunt whitetail, you should consider the heavier cast bullets over the lighterweight expanding type. You can get a 135 grain hp moving pretty quick from a 10mm but unless you pack that one right through the ribs at about 50 yds or so I think she might not penetrate through bone and muscle the way you would want it to.
For whitetail I prefer the 170 grain hard cast Keith style semi-wadcutter made for the 38-40, the 180 grain 3/4 jacket soft nose also for the 38-40 or a 200 grain cast flatpoint. From the 10mm either of the three should be able to get to 1200'/sec, which will be hot and just aobout max for that straight cased round, and that should be able to punch on through a whitetail's shoulder at out to 50 yds. The only problem you may have is in feeding a semi-wadcutter bullet, but that is the direction I would go in. Hope this helps. Mikey.