Here we go again. I think Hitlery has and will continue lessons from Slick Willy. In today's news Hitlery's campaign stated that over 80 different ministers in SC endorsed her candidacy. Upon checking the endorsement list, the facts revealed only about 50 different ministries. "The wives of at least two pastors were on the campaign's list, including Colleen Brown of Cleveland Chapel Baptist in Spartanburg. Wright said if wives were listed, they're ordained ministers. But the Rev. Timothy Brown said his wife is not ordained." Imagine if she were president and again the public is told that the Brady Bill prevented 10,000 felons from possessing firearms. That is what her husband said in his reelection remarks during a debate. If that were true and having the address on the form, why were only 3 felons prosecuted for attempting to purchase a firearm, which in itself is unlawful. If one thinks GW Bush mislead the country over the Iraq war, imagine what Hitlery would do in misleading the public with every comment about anything. And if she had no knowledge of her campaign spokes people, what knowledge would she deny about intelligence reports. She would be Captain of the ship and is responsible for actions by her underlings. If she had knowledge, why lie? Just to distort the facts and make her look better.