That is an option that I had not thought of!
I will have to look around, I know there are lots of options out there, and I like your idea of used/cut-down arrows.
As I said I was looking for something to test the attention span/fad of my grandson for CHEAP, because with five grand-kids there may be a new fad started, or a "don't wanna' do it" throw away proposition.
What kids will use for more than a month seems to be determined by the parents,(Neither of his hunt.) the local schools, or the TV!
I am trying to get the grand-kids into hunting/shooting sports, and fishing.
I am doing all the safety training,.... stalking into the wind, ....still walking the woods, ....bench-rest breathing, ....all the Marine style sling shooting positions that I learned as a kid...etc... you get the picture.
I am trying to hand down the things that were passed to me, that can't be learned from a screen, or any school.
Thanks for the ideas...keep them coming!