I've not hunted Africa, however my parents have on 4 separate occasions. The best way they have found to get the hides and mounts to USA was to have the hides cured and shipped through customs. The outfitter is prepared to strip the hides and deliver them to the appropriate transport companies. You must also acquire the proper import permits. For an example, my dad shot a Cheetah that was mistaken at dusk for leopard. It is still in South Africa. He did not have the proper export permit for Cheetah as it was on the USA endangered specie list in that country, regardless of the Country's listing for the animal. No permit, no hide. Once the skins were in the USA then he had the taxidermy work done, including a full head mount with original 80 pound tusks of a bull elephant. A full size 15' crocodile, 2 full size lions, head mount of a hippo, 2 cape bufs, and lots of plains game head mounts. The elephant alone for the taxidermy work cost more than shooting it with the fee. Before you go, be sure to check all the requirements for importing the hides and what all it entails.