Author Topic: Which mapping software?  (Read 791 times)

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Offline patw

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Which mapping software?
« on: June 23, 2003, 10:24:28 PM »
I want to get some mapping software for a Garmin vista to make a map of our hunting area.  I was going to get the Hunt'n'Map from Delorme, on sale at Cabela's for 15$, but they sold out.  Can someone recomend some software that is adequate and does not cost an arm and a leg?



Offline Siskiyou

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Which mapping software?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2003, 08:00:07 AM »

Suspect that nobody has answered this tophic because "adequate" software does not come cheap.  For the outdoorsman adequate software is the proprietary Garmin software.  Garmin USA Topo is a must because you can upload and download maps with it, along with waypoints, tracks, and routes.  There are a number of costly non-proprietary programs that you can work with waypoints, tracks, and routes.  

You can buy the Garmin topo software for about $89 on the net now days.  It is worth it to me.  I use it when hunting, fishing, geocaching, and just playing around.  As an example I plan on going "Geocaching" today.  Last night I downloaded the information on a number of sites.  I then put the Lat/Long info into my Garmin Legend.  I connected the Legend to a pc with the Garmin Topo Software.  I was then able to display the waypoints for the caches on the pc and print maps for my hunt.  Hopefully I find the easy route to the caches.

I can relate the geocaching to deer hunting.  Back in the teen years a younger brother shot a buck a couple miles from the road just before dark.  This was the first time we had hunted this area.  He hung the buck in a tree planning to return the next morining.  A waypoint on a gps could have saved us a hell of a hike the next day.  

If you want free topo maps go to TopoZone. Com

There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

Offline chj

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Mapping software
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 04:29:33 PM »
I agree with the other posts -- if you're interested in loading better maps onto the Garmin.

But, if you are primarily interested in producing maps on your computer, based on downloading data from the GPS, look at OziExplorer.

You can make you own base map, scan in maps, or load various types of existing maps.  

When I was in WV, the state had both digital topos (DRGs) and digital aerial photos (DOQQs) available free on-line.  Could download and use either of them as a base map for the GPS data.

Can't load the detailed maps or photos into a regular GPS, but can hook the GPS to a notebook or pocket PC and use the maps via Oziexplorer running on the computer.
