The Annual MTA Winter Meeting will be held January 5th in Isle,MN at the High School. The High School is a couple blocks South of Main Street/ Highway 27 look for a sign on the corner.
The City of Isle is located at the Southeast end of Mille Lacs Lake about 2 hours North of the Twin Cities. The Lake will be scattered with fishouses as most of the Resorts should have houses on the Lake, as the Perch and Walleye fishing should be in full swing! The Soo Line trail runs through the heart of Isle offering great opportunity for snowmobile activities. There are several Motels in the area as well as many of the Resorts offer sleeper fishouses for a unique stay. Grand Casino Mille Lacs is about 1/2 hour drive offering a wide variety of entertainment opportunities as well as a very nice Buffet! If you need some information on lodging or opportunities in the area send me a PM.
8am-- Doors will open
(Coffee and rolls will be available on location).
9am-- Demo's
Children-- Weasel Box assembly in the Industrial Arts Room
( limited to 30 ) kids between 5-15 will get some tips
from the Jack Pine Savage as well as a Weasel box and trap
to start their own Weasel line.
Adults-- Snare Useage - Rally Hess
Rally will give a demo on snares and how to use them
most effectively. Demo will be followed by a question &
answer session.
10am General Membership Meeting
- Lawsuit update!
- MTA updates
( Childrens games during meeting )
Fur Fashion Show sponsored by USA-Foxx imediately following
We should have 3 Fur Buyers in attendance as well as both NAFA
and Fur Harvesters collecting for the Auctions. This
gives you several options for marketing your fur.
A representative from the DNR will be available to tag your
Bobcat & Otter.
Several contests for you to compete in !
Pelt Handling -
BIG Furbearer Contest - 1st $50 2nd $25 3rd $10
Heaviest Racoon
Largest Beaver Tail
Longest Muskrat Tail
Trappers Only entries no Dealers PLEASE!
Consignment Auction to follow Fashion Show
We always have a variety of Dealers for Trapline supplies
to Fur Hats as well as the MTA Souvenir Booth.
Pick up your Raffle Tickets for this years Fundraiser!
Bring your Donation to the Tanned Fur Project and help
promote trapping in MN!
A group from the Community will be offering lunch and
refreshments all day. Come sit a spell and relax! Make
new friends and spend time with old ones! I always seem
to meet new people from the Trapping community at this
event. \:\)
Got questions? Just ask, and one of the many MTA
members will try and answer!