To raise dents that haven't broken wood fibers(broken fibers complicate thing) just take an all cotton rag(may get scorched a bit so nothing nice) and soak well. Wring until it no longer drips water but is still very wet. Using a heat source, I use an old soldering iron, apply the cloth over the dent and press the heat source over the cloth, so that the steam created is forced into the wood. If there is still finish over the dent, particularly if its a poly finish, it must be scratched a bit to all the moisture to penetrate to the wood's fiber. After the dent has been raised by the water vapor causing the fibers to swell, remove all excess water from the stocks surface. Allow plenty of time for the wood to dry before tounching up the finish...don't want water trapped under the stock finish, again, especially if it's a poly finish.. You can use a clothes iron as a heat source to generate the steam, which is what causes the wood to swell and raise the dent. Dents with broken fibers can still be raised but may leave a mark. An average dent should be removed and no mark should remain on the stock....good luck from the gunnut69