HI Guys
I know I'm fairly new here and no one here probably knows me. I live in west central WI and have hunted the Mississippi most of my life.
I had a fairly decent fall and haven't totaled my bird count yet. I believe it was somewhere between 30-40??
Anyway here is a photo of a group hunt we did in late October. My younger brother has been coming to stay for a couple days the last few years. He brings with him his little brother(Big Brothers Big Sister) and a freind of his. My son and I act as guides for for them while there here for 3 or 4 days.
We took one day and added to them a friend I work and hunt with. The son of a guy I work with, 3-4 of my sons buddies he hunts with. It turns into kind of a gang of guys for the day. We go out for the whole day grill some burgers around noon. Pick and poke fun at each other and overall have a good time. Most times it is not even about the birds that get shot. The two geese in the photo made the suicidal mistake of flying right into the middle of the mess standing around the grill. When the two young boys each yelled I got one. Well the rest of us just said good shooting boys LOL :-)
I took this photo at the end of the day and think it turned out kind of neat. The black lab is my sons dog and just a pup doing very well. The yellow lab is my hunting buddies dog and in it's second season. They are both a treat to hunt with.