Not a bad looking gun and they have a .22-250.... I'm glad I have other stuff to buy with my tax returns... hahahaha.
Yeah, the scope is the thing though. If I was to buy something for performance far out (I trust my -06 and me to about 500 yards, maybe 600 with a large enough kill zone... but reeeeealllly far out..... and a small animal) I would have to put some kind of 20-30x leupold bada bing scope on there.....
I mean having a $650 quality varmit gun is great... but when it turns into a $2,000 quality varmit package...
Too bad spending money is a lot easier than making it!!!
And I really don't get what is tactical about it... when I think tactical I think that it is made for super fast target aquisition... small package... extra bells and whistles... calling a remmy 700 tactical is a little much for me. I know its just another name and another selling point.. but honestly. You don't have to companies. Make good guns, and they should sell themselves.