Double D :
It means ,the other site. Trust me ,Kabar is the finest teacher on this subject you could ever get.
He is by the book ,and he knows the book. He wrote the book ,and we are lucky to have him.
I have the tubes,i shoot the tubes,He asks me things ,i will not tell on your site,or any other.
Pirate knows ,Naval ,like me he knows things.
Lets just talk cannon,OK.
Lets not do or say dunb stuff. as you say ,lets not give someone the clue to act stupid ,no one coming here is stupid.
These are dangerous ,stupid stuff will kill you.
OH ,don't freak. the things i say we know are short cuts.
But i will not talk of them ,or endorse them,we go by the book here.
You would do well to have kabar,He is a very good man,and will become the angel of your better nature.
Me ,i have studied all attached to this subject,from the trenches of Vicksburg,to the fields of Kansas in the Indian wars,to the trenches of WW1,where the ordinance rifle was used with veterans of the war at Vicksburg ,to break the trench warfare,not the airplane,it was the air burst shells,learned by our own Civil war.
Europe was way behind on this sort of thing,I guess we were real good at killing each other.
Anyway,thank you for listening,Do not relate Kabar by anything you may think of me, it is me,not him, he only asks me questions.