Author Topic: .44 Raging bull  (Read 1216 times)

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Offline les hemby

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.44 Raging bull
« on: June 26, 2003, 03:08:56 PM »
like to know about accuracy and overall opinion probably 6'' for deer and hog is trigger usually ok or have to work on  or is m44 better everyone has pretty much talked me out of redhawk  thanks

Offline Desperado357

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2003, 03:35:42 PM »
beware on doing modifications it might take the lifetime warranty!

Offline crawfish

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2003, 06:38:12 AM »
  Don't know who has been "bad mouthing" RRH but the only reason I don't have one is that they don't come in .41. As for the Taurus I have a 416SS6 (that is a .41RemMag). I don't find the trigger any worst than any other stock wheel gun I own. I seldom use it in DA mode as all my large pistols are hunters. I find the SA trigger very crisp with just a touch of overtravel. IMO there are only three out of the box revolvers that don't need some kind of trigger work and they are the guns that come out of the S&W Performance Center (some will say that these aren't  "stock" but..), Dan Wessons, and guns from Freedom Arms (again not stock). It is all a matter of price. The starting prices on these guns start at the upper level price of the other guns out there because of the handwork put into the action and timing of the gun. That hand work is expensive. So if you want a really crisp, jewel of an action and trigger you will really have to put some more money or time into anything you decide to buy. Bty there is another way to a slick trigger but it surelly is a long way around. When I got my very fisrt hunting handgun (S/W657) I was pretty well banged up and had to spend 13 weeks in traction before I even had chance to shoot it. I spent most of my wakeing hours dry firing that pistol at deer on the TV ( wife would rent hunting videos for me). By the time I got to shoot it the trigger was as slick as goose sh*t and my forearm was the size of Popeye's. :lol:
Love those .41s'

Offline les hemby

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2003, 12:47:12 PM »
guess that would work on RRH wouldnt it just dryfire til smooth thats about only complaint i have heard is trigger

Offline Jim n Iowa

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44 mags
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2003, 01:20:48 PM »
I have 3 44mags, my first was the m44 Taurus in a 8+" barrel put a Red Dot on it. Then acquired Ruger super blackhawk in a 7.5" now with a 2x scope. Then I ordered up a Redehawk 5.5 for a carry gun on a trip to Alaska. If I would have bought this first I would probly not have the other two. Brownels sell a spring kit that will really sweeten the double action, Pacxxx sells a larger rubber grip that helps with recoil and your good to go. The other 2 44's are also good shooters. In a 6" you may want the Taurus with its ports if recoil bothers you.

Offline volshooter

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2003, 03:11:56 PM »
I have a Raging Bull in .454 and man, is this thing sweet. Crisp, no creep trigger, and very accurate for me. I would assume a RB in .44 would be just as sweet. I like the double lock up. The grips with its recoil stripe really helps with the bark and the ports make it a real pussycat.
Rick :D

Offline les hemby

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2003, 04:07:46 PM »
i wish you could get taurus without ports i like recoil more than noise i have always kinda leaned toward redhawk because i dont think you can wear one out but probably couldnt  raging bull either i have had redhawk in 7.5 didnt like it was to long but have never shot taurus. how is the RB for carry(not concealed)also this gun will not be scoped so probably 5.5 redhawk but held RB yesterday and it was pretty sweet but BIG :idea: how hard is it to put springs in redhawk

Offline kciH

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2003, 06:29:03 PM »
the porting on a Taurus handgun does not, in my opinion, increase the noise for the shooter to any detectable level.  If you shoot it on an indoor range, there is some difference, but most shooting is done outdoor with no 8 ft ceiling.  Rifles with real muzzle brakes are another issue, not to be confused with a ported handgun.  The porting directs the gas straight up, not back, as is the case with a muzzle brake designed to lessen recoil in a rifle.  A MagnaPorted rifle is similar to a ported pistol, the idea is to reduce muzzle flip, not truly reduce recoil.  While all gas the does not exit the muzzle at a direction that is in opposition to the shooter will reduce recoil to a cerain degree, there is no comparison between porting and muzzle brakes as far as the concussion and noise that the shooter experiences, or in true recoil reduction for that matter.

Offline Bullseye

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2003, 06:57:30 PM »
I have a SRH, never owned a Taurus to compare.  The trigger on my SRH was about 4.5 lbs from the factory with absolutely no creep.  I changed the trigger spring and it is now 3.5 lbs.  Spring are easy to change in the SRH, just follow the disassembly instructions in the ownders manual.

Offline les hemby

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.44 Raging bull
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2003, 07:27:26 AM »
thanks kcih that is very useful info have never shot a ported pistol because of noise concerd lord knows my 357 is loud enough on its own but i think i will give one a try i have been wanting a taurus 415 41mag but havent bought due to ports but i think i will give it a try