After years of watching the Liberal news networks (AKA) CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN........I welcomed a new, true Conservative News Network (The Fox News Network) Finally the TRUTH would be available on TV! (Yea Right)
I guess I was a Neo-Con by deception, back then.! I was even a Ditto Head! I can't believe I was actually taken in by Rush Lin bag, and Sean Insanity
So much for the TRUTH in media! Now Fox (FAUX) News will exclude the only TRUE Conservative in the presidential race from their so called debates!
I , like you TM7, have had it with TeeVee! My New Years resolution for 2008 will be to stop watching TV and get my news from the WWW. There is some truth on the net, if we take the time to sift through the garbage. There is NONE to be found on the TUBE. They simply feed us, what they want us to see and hear, and believe you me.......Ron Paul will not be on the MENU!