2/28/08: This morning the weather warmed up enough for me to get out to the shop and get the scope re-mounted on my CZ. I
reset the CZ 527 Rings, and they matched perfectly. GOOD! Placed the Scope, leveling it both horizontally, and vertically. So
far, so good. Placed a target at 50 yards from my shop doors, and bore sighted the scope. When I removed the elevation
adjustment cap it read "windage" R-->. I had turned the Scope exactly 90 degrees so that the "Elevation Adjustment" was on the
left, and the Windage Adjustment was on top. "Good Grief".
Finally, I retrieved the Bolt and tried to insert it into the 'Receiver'. No Go! This new scope is a normal sized 4-12 variable, but
the CZ 527 Rings won't allow the Bolt Handle to clear the 'Eye Focus Adjustment Ring". "Aaaghh!", what next? Don't know if
what I did next is the best thing or not, but by then I was beginning to burn just a little.
I started grinding away at the contact point on the Bolt Handle. 1st with a Dremel Tool, then resorting to my 6" bench grinder.
When I finally got just enough material off the handle, I then used 220 grit lapping compound, then some Flitz, and finally Red
Rouge, to polish up the area where I'll have to re-blue the metal. I never had to do anything like that to a rifle in my life. Whew!
By now it's afternoon, and the wind is picking up pretty good, but I'm determined to sight this baby in. Down in the pasture I set
up a target at 50yards. 1st group of 3 is stringy about 3" to 6" right, but nearly even with the bull. The last two groups found the bulls-eye.
A month ago, I had bought the wife an Upright Freezer, and from that big Cardboard box, and wooden slats, I cut out (4) life size
Coyote Targets, split the slats into (4) stakes, and stapled the targets to them. Because of the wind and lack of time, I set 3 of
them up at 50 - 100 - 150 yards. A few quick shots for each target just to see how it shoots. They all placed in the kill zone,
but the 150 yard target I had drawn a little heart on it to give me something to aim at. That lil .223 tagged it. Made my day.
I'll have to do that again when I have more time and a camera. I want to set these up out to 300 yards and put several rounds
into each target.