I am sorry we are all wrong ,Russians who were in positions of power during the USSR say the American Liberals are neither Communist ,or Socialist .
In the Communist Manifesto ,Lenin and Marx were very clear on this ,as clear as our fore fathers were in our Constitution .
Liberals and Democrats in the form and the ideas they present are what is called a Multi Tiered Monarchy , it is the worst form of Government.
This means that they can continue to live their lavish life styles ,believing they are God like ,and you and me are workers to support it all ,including their power.
If our Liberals woke up one morning and a real Communist Government were in charge ,in no way would they let Kerry ,Pelosi ,and the rest live or talk like they do.
They would be conforming like we would have to do, or sent to a labor camp. Before you start correcting me let me finish ,i have spent days reading about this.
Soviet and Chinas Communism isn't the same ,Chinas is Mao ( Populous Commie) Soviet was ( Unitarian Commie) China being the Bee hive mentality ,Russia the unified mentality all working together dedicated to a greater good,being the state. Socialism is a botched middle ground that ultimately fails.
Yes i know that the USSR fell ,China is engaging in free trade , But the USSR fell because of over spending and corruption and other reasons we all know.
China survives because of the Bee hive mentality , Japan is that same way If you really look at it.
Our Liberals are nothing more than Pampered ,arrogant cry baby's and are only in office because they created a Voting Block that has lived for generations on Welfare.
Un educated ,over weight ,with no skills other than eating and making more welfare recipients is all they know. No Communist Government would stand for this.
Then in letting 20 million Illegal Aliens become Citizens , who's own Country didn't want them ,these Illiterate ,food and baby factory's will further ruin this country.
Obama comes from a region of Africa long known to produce good talkers. Only one other form of Government exist that would allow the Democrat elite to maintain power and lifestyle , to be in total control with the support of Police and Military ,crushing all opposition and making us into good little servants is Fascism.
Socialism is a toned down form of this , Hitler was a super charged form of it. People in Europe who saw Hitler rise to power ,even in Russia ,say Obama is a Fascist.
A silver tongue crowd pleaser ,even when caught in a lie his followers do not believe he is wrong ,backed and supported by a man who once advocated White Genocide.
Americans didn't really experience the rise of Hitler ,we had to deal with him when he was already in power .so Fascism would be hard for us to recognize.
Why did all the Democrats ,and Liberals desert Hillary ? Because she is a Mouest Commie ,thus the Clinton's close ties to China . Our liberals studied this i am sure .
Our Democrats are far from being Socialist ,or Commies ,those are words we toss around not knowing any better. In Obama they saw a savior ,an opportunity to fool us all ,gain massive support from star struck followers , and retain their power ,money and arrogant life styles in the type of promises Obama makes to the Foolish Masses.
Our government uses brute force on us, Intimidation ,threats ,It demands more out of us already suffering from the mistakes they made .
It increases its Police force and encourages them to look more like the Military , and they attack our rights daily and the only words we hear out of Congress is,TAX and BAN.
All the time smiling out to the world , with one face ,snarling at us with the other.
Obama is a Fascist , Liberals found the way to ultimate power ,I know it sounds crazy ,i thought so to , but get a short wave radio and listen to Europe.
It then makes sense ,and you don't have to be Hitler to be a Fascist Dictator.