I have tried to tell you people about Putin ,he is not a Communist , everything our Media says about him is wrong.
How do i know ,I met him in 1992 when i was working with Motorola to upgrade Microwave towers in Russia.
He was in charge of security on Foreign Contractors.
My Boss broke his ankle and i had to take over ,i was to report to him or one of his offices everyday.
That harsh look you see is for the world to see ,he was very nice and scolded me about the effects of smoking.
He said in his own English that he respects a man who is honest ,and works hard ,don't ever try to fool him or lie to him.
He is a devout Christian , and i have read two of his books.
He is not a Globalist , he was elected to protect the Russian people and that is what he does with his life.
I wish we had a Leader that thought of us the same and not just a BS line.
He doesn't like Bush because Bush to him is not a truthful man. Putin has a 95% approval rating and he respects Sara Palin greatly.
He went into Georgia, because Georgia,, although our Allie is mostly Muslim , and had been harassing those two country's that were mostly Christian.
His Ships are in the waters around Cuba not for Castro ,a man he hates and despises ,they are there to watch out for his country's interest .
He sees a super power in trouble ,and we did the same thing to them once.
He has absolutely no use for Obama , a man he sees as a lier and a Fascist unfit to be in charge of anything.
Like the US did to the Balkans , Why would you think he is watching this election very close?
Lets just say for fun OK ,awhile back a couple of western states made a lot of noise about succession.
The Liberals told them that was crazy ,and they would not survive on their own as no other Country would come to their aid.
Thats not entirely true , A little Country tried to form in 1776 and it was told the same thing.
And if you were him would you want an unstable, racist, ex terrorist near the Nuclear Red button ?
Trust me ,his security people have found out all they need to know about this Fake called Obama.