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Offline ironglow

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2008, 01:44:32 AM »
Crustaceous can't think of ONE reason why we on this board should not vote Demon-Rat-ic...

     The one reason (among hundreds):

             #1)  Most of us are hunters and gun owners...............nuff said !
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Offline magooch

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2008, 04:21:02 AM »
In deed, President Bush must shoulder some of the blame for the excessive spending binge that Congress has been on (he signed the spending bills) but he was trying to fight the war on terror and keep the economy from tanking.  The alternative would have been to veto the hell out of everything and let the government shut down.  That really worked out well for the Republican Congress when Bubba was wielding the pen.

Some of you have very short memories if you can't remember the recession we were headed into before the "Bush tax cuts" and the really scary certainty of many more terrorist attacks we were facing before this President decided that terrorism must be taken seriously. 

If you want to really fret about an approaching economic melt down, just consider the devastation that will be left after the Social Security time bomb goes off.  And remember that Dubya at least tried to do something about it.

Offline Dee

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2008, 05:10:17 AM »
Name SPECIFICLY what DUBYA tried to do for S.S. He has PASSED Lyndon Baines Johnson as the SPENDINGEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY, and has done so in RECORD TIME.
He has violated the Constitution by DECLARING WAR "WITHOUT" APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS, invading a country which had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911. He has FORCED DOWN THE THROAT of ALL AMERICANS, the PATRIOT ACT, which he would not even let Congress read, before voting on, and which GUTS THE CONSTITUTION, and affects NO ONE BUT AMERICANS.
He REFUSES to shut down our borders, REFUSES to deport illegal aliens, and HE IGNORES the American people with HIM wanting to give them AMNESTY.
He has SIGNED AN AGREEMENT, which would DESOLVE our Sovereignty, by molding Canada, South America, and the United States into one big happy country, and is trying to sign an agreement which would sign authority over to the U.N. on our freedom on the high seas. Our American casualties CONTINUE to RISE, as does HALIBURTON "STOCK"!  The figures on sucide bombers is correct in Iraq. They are better than FIFTY PERCENT, SAUDI ARABIANS, yet he continues to preach the evilness of IRAN. HE IS A GLOBALIST! TMO
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Offline Brett

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2008, 08:34:07 AM »
Name SPECIFICLY what DUBYA tried to do for S.S. He has PASSED Lyndon Baines Johnson as the SPENDINGEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY, and has done so in RECORD TIME.
He has violated the Constitution by DECLARING WAR "WITHOUT" APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS, invading a country which had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911. He has FORCED DOWN THE THROAT of ALL AMERICANS, the PATRIOT ACT, which he would not even let Congress read, before voting on, and which GUTS THE CONSTITUTION, and affects NO ONE BUT AMERICANS.
He REFUSES to shut down our borders, REFUSES to deport illegal aliens, and HE IGNORES the American people with HIM wanting to give them AMNESTY.
He has SIGNED AN AGREEMENT, which would DESOLVE our Sovereignty, by molding Canada, South America, and the United States into one big happy country, and is trying to sign an agreement which would sign authority over to the U.N. on our freedom on the high seas. Our American casualties CONTINUE to RISE, as does HALIBURTON "STOCK"!  The figures on sucide bombers is correct in Iraq. They are better than FIFTY PERCENT, SAUDI ARABIANS, yet he continues to preach the evilness of IRAN. HE IS A GLOBALIST! TMO

And what would be different if say Kerry were President?   Good chance we would be in an even bigger recession or even depression.  Terrorist acts would probably be as common here as they are in France, Israel, etc.  We would loose our freedom to own firearms, freedom to choose our own health care providers, freedom to drive whatever vehicle we wanted,  Freedom to home school our children if we so choose, Freedom of speech let alone being able to even mention the word God.  Our military might would be about on a par with that of Somalia's.   We would still have illegal aliens except they would all be eligible for welfare and social security.  Our taxes would go higher still to pay for all of the socialist programs.    Oh yes, we would beso much better off if the Democrats were in total control.  ::)  I just hope that we don't get the oportunity to say "we told you so.".
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2008, 09:39:40 AM »
Well said Mr. Brett!!!!

Offline ironglow

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2008, 09:59:03 AM »
  As I recall,. Pres Bush did try to do something about the SS time bomb..that is still waiting down the road. He tried to introduce a bill that allowed wage earner's to choose
  to invest in private funds. He only wanted to start with allowing something like 10% of FICA  being invested in the market. No matter that the market averages somewhere around 9% ino matter whether good or bad years.. while SS brings less than 1%..with no guarantee you're going to get your money back. Moreover, noone was to be forced to take that option. They could decline the offer and stay 100% with SS..

   I also recall hearing all the Democrats and the major media screaming about "don't touch the third rail. " They and the unions kicked up such a fuss that there was no chance for it. The move didn't was the Democrats.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2008, 10:50:49 AM »
Brett we're usually on the same side of the fence on most issues but, I would ask you. What has John Kerry got to do with ANY THING. This theoretical hypothesis of what would have happened if he had won the election has NOTHING to do with what is ACTUALLY happening now.
Having NEVER voted Democrat in my 58 years, has still not blinded me to what Bush has, and has NOT done.
Name ONE SINGE ISSUE that I addressed in my last post that is not the truth. The jury is still out on S.S. but, the rest is the absolute truth about Bush and is documented.
This hypothesis on Kerry is silly to say the least. He didn't win, and can be blamed for NOTHING.
Now! Did he (Bush), or did he NOT, and has he, or has he NOT done what I said he has done on my last post? It is a matter of NATIONAL RECORD. You cannot continue to blame the Democrats for Bush's actions, or in actions. It doesn't wash. I cannot recall a time when so many folks are so rabid about Democrats that they are BLIND to what their own party is doing, and not doing. Good grief.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2008, 11:03:23 AM »
Name SPECIFICLY what DUBYA tried to do for S.S. He has PASSED Lyndon Baines Johnson as the SPENDINGEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY, and has done so in RECORD TIME.
He has violated the Constitution by DECLARING WAR "WITHOUT" APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS, invading a country which had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911. He has FORCED DOWN THE THROAT of ALL AMERICANS, the PATRIOT ACT, which he would not even let Congress read, before voting on, and which GUTS THE CONSTITUTION, and affects NO ONE BUT AMERICANS.
He REFUSES to shut down our borders, REFUSES to deport illegal aliens, and HE IGNORES the American people with HIM wanting to give them AMNESTY.
He has SIGNED AN AGREEMENT, which would DESOLVE our Sovereignty, by molding Canada, South America, and the United States into one big happy country, and is trying to sign an agreement which would sign authority over to the U.N. on our freedom on the high seas. Our American casualties CONTINUE to RISE, as does HALIBURTON "STOCK"!  The figures on sucide bombers is correct in Iraq. They are better than FIFTY PERCENT, SAUDI ARABIANS, yet he continues to preach the evilness of IRAN. HE IS A GLOBALIST! TMO

And what would be different if say Kerry were President?   Good chance we would be in an even bigger recession or even depression.  Terrorist acts would probably be as common here as they are in France, Israel, etc.  We would loose our freedom to own firearms, freedom to choose our own health care providers, freedom to drive whatever vehicle we wanted,  Freedom to home school our children if we so choose, Freedom of speech let alone being able to even mention the word God.  Our military might would be about on a par with that of Somalia's.   We would still have illegal aliens except they would all be eligible for welfare and social security.

READ BRETT! Bush was not that big of a supporter of home schooling. Kerry LOST! REMEMBER! He is a NON EVENT! ALL of your points are THEORETICAL. Kerry LOST! You don't know if any of this would have happened. Your SPECTULATING. I not promoting the Democrats. I have NEVER supported them. I pointing out facts of BUSINESS AS USUAL. Are facts about Bush OFFENSIVE to you?

Good grief Brett! THEY ARE eligible for welfare, and social security, and free medical treatment, and free schooling for their children, and Bush wants to give them AMNESTY. Have you not been paying attention?

  Our taxes would go higher still to pay for all of the socialist programs.    Oh yes, we would beso much better off if the Democrats were in total control.  ::)  I just hope that we don't get the oportunity to say "we told you so.".

You have totally IGNORED the issures I brought out about Bush. WHY?
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Offline Brett

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2008, 12:35:21 PM »
Dee,  I think you missed my point.   I do not denigh any of your points about "Dubya".  In fact for the most part they are right on the mark.  The point that I was trying to make is that the Democratic party, be it Kerry, Hillary, Obama, who ever, are no better and most assuredly much worse than what we have now.   So what I'm really saying is let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces and vote Democrat just because "Dubya" has not lived up to our expectations.  The Democratic party is really the Socialist party and the hypothesis that I made are based on their voting record on various issues and on the platform they preach.  Besides, I would hardly call it a hypothesis when the Democrats have clearly come out and stated that this is precisely what they intend to do if the gain power. 
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2008, 12:49:14 PM »
Brett, I don't think I could be persuaded to vote Democrat if some one held a gun to my head. Yes, they are a bunch of Socialists, but that is EXACTLY what Dubya, and the newest bunch are also. They are just a slicker, and more patient version.
What I AM saying is LOOK at the voting record of folks like Ron Paul, and note that he says what he votes. That is RARE! To say that he is weak as some have said is ludichrist, as he has been BUCKING THE SYSTEM for over 20 years now, and NEVER once has backed down.
So what he ain't purty on TV. At least he does what he says. Is he electable? Of course he is if we the people make him electable, and stop settling for less. To stand back and say we have no honest candidates, is DISHONEST. We do. We have one, and his record speaks for itself.
Can you imagine if George Washington were to run today? The guy didn't have a tooth in his head, and was noted as not being flamboyant, but instead HUMBLE. He too would not shine up for TV, but we damn sure know he walked the walk, and so has Ron Paul REGARDLESS of his detractors.
I don't have any Ron Paul bumper stickers on my car, I don't attend rallies, but I know what I read, and I know what I see, and the two match, when it comes to him. Bush may be attractive on TV, but he damn sure doesn't do what he says, and he doesn't give a hoot what we want, and he has PROVED it over and over.
If we went back to the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, we would be far better off, and I think Paul is a good start, as that's what he proposes. Is it a big obstacle? Of course it is, but you have to start some where. JMO
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2008, 02:18:03 PM »
Dee, you say that RP is the only honest candidate, do you know that Duncan Hunter is dishonest? If so, let me know. Also, I know people that believe that our Constitution is the law,(which of course it is) & will do everything they can to uphold it, but yet they would not be the right persons for president for various reasons. If Mr. Paul would quit making those stupid remarks like he is going to get rid of the FBI or the Pentagon & then say nothing about how he would handle the intel instead, it would help.

And again on the immigration issue, he is not as strong as Duncan Hunter. And I am not sure he would strike our enemies WHEN WE
unless they are wearing a uniform & maybe not then. It's one thing to stick to your guns in Congress & quite another to do so as President when the chips are down. Neither one of us knows how he would do, I have to operate with my gut on that one.
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Offline Brett

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2008, 02:29:20 PM »
I haven't decided who I will vote for yet.  I can tell you that it will not be a Democrat.  I will also tell you that I am less than impressed by the Republican candidates either.  Mr. Paul is definitely one to consider.  The current two party system is not working that's for sure.  It's unfortunate that many people base there vote on frivolous things such as what a candidate looks like, and how polished his speech is rather than on what they stand for and what their past record of conduct or achievements are.  The late Ronald Reagan was a distinct anomaly.  Not only was he handsome and a polished speaker but he was also a man of principals.  I have not seen anyone on the current political scene like him.  
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Offline 30-06man

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2008, 04:15:20 PM »
I agree Brett. I am in SC and will have to choose soon. RP is looking like one the best after all the bashing I did but I think he seems more and more like the one I will have to vote for or Thompson but I don't think he has a prayer. I see more Ron Paul signs in SC than any other and then Huckabee is in a distant second. Most people around here like RP and he will probably win in SC if I were to say someone.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2008, 04:44:31 PM »
I have to agree with Nomosendero.  I still say RP lacks the leadership to win the nomination let alone the office.  Futhermore he lacks the leadership to unite this country at this time.  JMTCW

If RP scores a win in SC that will be a shocker for sure.

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2008, 06:52:09 AM »
Hillary's health plan, and the rest of the Dem's policy's cost money. Only way for the govt. to get it, is to raise tax's. I've paid less in tax's in the 7 years or so that GW has had office, than in the Clinton years. And for them to say that their going to take back any tax cuts for big business, where do you think that big business is going to go. OVERSEAS.  Their already doing it for cheap labor and less restrictions on pollution controls. This would only be another reason for them to move out. And forgive me if I'm wrong, usually big business has thousands of people working for them. So if your against big business, doesn't that mean your against everbody that works for them???
And as far as Ron,Fred,Mitt,Hillary, Obama are concerned, please remember, their all saying what what their constituents want to hear. Whoever gets elected, their still going to have to get bills past in congress. And their all sitting around with a thumb up their a## doing nothing.
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2008, 04:49:19 PM »
NS and Brett,,,I think the media has distorted what Dr. RP believes the intel agencies should be.  They have grown into essentially unbudgeted, nonaccountable, change agents for private concerns acting like private shadow governments in many cases, and most of the time fomenting many of our and the world's problems. Mostly due for a overhaul in philosophy and deed, and to truthlfully get back to the task of protecting us from bad people.

Foreign enemies? Dr.Paul would like to apply statesmenship to international relations once again, and loosen our wagon to Israeli policy, or being an extension of israeli policy and the oil cartel status quo. He has always approved of strengthening our millitary WHEN appropriations are not attached to other unConstitutional bills.


No doubt the intell community has problems & lots of them, but the media did not distort what RP thinks of them, RP did that without any help. His intentions could be honorable, but to say you want to eliminate something is not the same thing as fixing something, especially when a replacement
or alternate plan is not brought to the table. It is just not logical.

To apply statesmanship to foreign enemies who are terrorists is a wonderful thought, but just not possible. 
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2008, 05:33:29 PM »
   I wonder...Do you suppose any of their victims tried to "apply statesmanship" to Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dauhmer ?

       ...And they were nothing but "pikers'..only killing all tolled, maybe 40 or 50 over several years time.
      We had  about 3,000 murdered in just  a little over an hour..
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2008, 05:44:16 PM »

To apply statesmanship to foreign enemies who are terrorists is a wonderful thought, but just not possible. 

Not only is it not possible it's unrealistic - they've already proved that.

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2008, 06:06:30 PM »
Bush has done great things for this country, after all we have more illegals today than any time in history, and to ensure they do good Bush has jockeyed a program to provide them with Pell Grants for higher Education.  This money is a "grant," doesn't have to be repaid.  He has opened the door of higher education to the illegals and at the same time slammed it closed in the Americans face (including some veterans).

Sometimes I don't think it makes any difference what hat they wear, they are all cut from the same mold, and serve only to please the special interest groups that contributed the big bucks necessary for election.  Course with Hillary I believe it will only get worst.

My friend, if there were ever a time in the history of this country that it was important for a citizen to be armed it is now!  I probably won't be around to see it, but I fully expect a civil war, or war to recapture the US fought on American soil within the next 20-30 years.  RP and the Libertarian Party have some great ideas, but like I ask one at a gun show this past week-end, "if you do away with taxes how do you plan to fund a military to protect the country and preserve our rights?  He could not provide me with a sensible answer, bottom line, the taxes are the price we pay for enjoying the freedoms we have.  I was raised to believe there is no such thing as a free ride, and the sixty plus years I have been around have proved it to be true.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2008, 05:57:39 AM »
     What in the world are you talking about ?
      I shouldn't think you are talking about the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein..where thousands of kurds were gassed and people were routinely run through box choppers..slowly..feet first..
  Where women's rights were so jealously guarded that Uday & Kusay were picking women off the street, using them ...and then killing them.
   I won't be here to answer for 3 or 4 days, so I'll just leave it at that !

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2008, 03:19:43 PM »
If you lived there and had an ugly Wife you might not have issues with Uday & Kusay, I understand if they saw a good looking Woman
they would just rape her & have anyone who protested killed, yep a fine country & fine rulers.  ::)

I think the elections were a little slanted!!  ::) Oh, & the gov. was fine unless you disagreed with them, ANY!!

No, that's not why we invaded & no, I am not enthused about our continued presence, just thought it was getting a little far out when anyone thinks they had a good thing, that's it & I apologize for being off the original topic.
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2008, 02:28:57 AM »
this country is about the guns ! and i vote that way !i find the candidate that supports our keeping guns and vote for them ! if tow are for it then i might look deeper !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dee

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2008, 03:19:58 AM »
Dee, you say that RP is the only honest candidate, do you know that Duncan Hunter is dishonest? If so, let me know. Also, I know people that believe that our Constitution is the law,(which of course it is) & will do everything they can to uphold it, but yet they would not be the right persons for president for various reasons. If Mr. Paul would quit making those stupid remarks like he is going to get rid of the FBI or the Pentagon & then say nothing about how he would handle the intel instead, it would help.

And again on the immigration issue, he is not as strong as Duncan Hunter. And I am not sure he would strike our enemies WHEN WE
unless they are wearing a uniform & maybe not then. It's one thing to stick to your guns in Congress & quite another to do so as President when the chips are down. Neither one of us knows how he would do, I have to operate with my gut on that one.

nomosendero, I look at voting records, and correlate them with the voter's speech in my choosing. It would seem to me that folks like Shawn Hannity, and Rush Linebaur make a living picking our Republican candidates FOR US, and it has WORKED LIKE A CHARM, for far too long. These two along with most of Fox News has done much to DISTORT what Paul has said by taking it COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT. His point on both the FBI, and the Pentagon, is that they should be REPLACED with a less corrupt organization. Do you ENJOY paying $1000.00 for a toilet seat, with you tax dollar?
I would also encourage you to READ THE CONSTITUTION, and THEN decide what Mr. Paul might do if we were attacked. If he truly IS a strict Constitutionalists (and he is), then I would contend, he will "abide by it" and wage war on our enemies, but do so with the support of Congress, and the entire country of America, rather than by an EXECUTIVE ORDER, which is nothing more than an ILLEGAL BYPASS OF THE CONSTITUTION.
I believe that you and I are on the same side here, when it comes to what is good for America, however I do not fall for the Fox News propaganda, and the Hannity's and Linebaur's of this world. News agencies of today, are not news agencies at all. They REPORT their version, and preference of what they want US to believe.
After all, did we not listen for a week the debate on whether Hillary's show of emotion was genuine or a show. I mean, really. Who the hell cares.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett


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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2008, 03:23:32 AM »
when has The USA not been in a war for the past 60 years ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !


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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2008, 10:18:43 AM »
well if he is the rep. candidate and none of the others are on our side then you assume correct !
Fred claims to be on our side also !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline 30-06man

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2008, 10:44:18 AM »
So does others like Huckabee but he can't keep his word so I don't think he can. He is push polling here in SC after he said he wouldn't. I was going to go see Fred but I couldn't get off work.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline nomosendero

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #56 on: January 16, 2008, 03:48:33 PM »
RP is not the only pro gun candidate. Duncan Hunter is pro gun & a better overall choice. Huckabee has never done or said anything anti
gun or anti 2nd amend. that I am aware of & has always promoted Hunting as well, but being a social Lib he is NOT a choice for me.
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2008, 03:56:48 PM »
Dee, you say that RP is the only honest candidate, do you know that Duncan Hunter is dishonest? If so, let me know. Also, I know people that believe that our Constitution is the law,(which of course it is) & will do everything they can to uphold it, but yet they would not be the right persons for president for various reasons. If Mr. Paul would quit making those stupid remarks like he is going to get rid of the FBI or the Pentagon & then say nothing about how he would handle the intel instead, it would help.

And again on the immigration issue, he is not as strong as Duncan Hunter. And I am not sure he would strike our enemies WHEN WE
unless they are wearing a uniform & maybe not then. It's one thing to stick to your guns in Congress & quite another to do so as President when the chips are down. Neither one of us knows how he would do, I have to operate with my gut on that one.

nomosendero, I look at voting records, and correlate them with the voter's speech in my choosing. It would seem to me that folks like Shawn Hannity, and Rush Linebaur make a living picking our Republican candidates FOR US, and it has WORKED LIKE A CHARM, for far too long. These two along with most of Fox News has done much to DISTORT what Paul has said by taking it COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT. His point on both the FBI, and the Pentagon, is that they should be REPLACED with a less corrupt organization. Do you ENJOY paying $1000.00 for a toilet seat, with you tax dollar?
I would also encourage you to READ THE CONSTITUTION, and THEN decide what Mr. Paul might do if we were attacked. If he truly IS a strict Constitutionalists (and he is), then I would contend, he will "abide by it" and wage war on our enemies, but do so with the support of Congress, and the entire country of America, rather than by an EXECUTIVE ORDER, which is nothing more than an ILLEGAL BYPASS OF THE CONSTITUTION.
I believe that you and I are on the same side here, when it comes to what is good for America, however I do not fall for the Fox News propaganda, and the Hannity's and Linebaur's of this world. News agencies of today, are not news agencies at all. They REPORT their version, and preference of what they want US to believe.
After all, did we not listen for a week the debate on whether Hillary's show of emotion was genuine or a show. I mean, really. Who the hell cares.

Yes, I have read it & I really get a kick out of LEOs who promise to  uphold something they don't know & I have no doubt that you have seen that a time or 2.  Yes, Hannity & Linbaugh do some distorting of their own, they will bump into the truth here & there where the reg. media never get close.  For sure the picks of Limbaugh & Hannity are not my choices, I have seen that.
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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2008, 04:05:17 AM »
Dalescarpentry, I suggest your wife get online, and take on of those tests, that determine which candidate might be her choice. I took one a couple weeks ago, and Thompson was what I got for an answer. Huckabee is a hunter and carry's a ccw permit for his state. Thompson has been to quite a few gun shows in years past, so I belive him to be pro second amd. But Duncan Hunter, I believe has, what I belive to be the best policy for immigration and foreign affairs. But he's so far down in the polls, doesn't look like he's gonna make it either. Do you think your wife might be prejudiced simply because she's a woman?(at least I think Hilary is a female) This is just like black voters for Obama, just because he's black. Don't care where he stands on the issue's, he's black. Like alot of women that voted for Clinton just because they thought he was good looking. Wonder if they would let him alone with their 16 year daughters!!??
Seriously, sit down with your wife and find out what she's looking for in a candidate and his/her policy's. My wife's in the medical field, and this health care that Hilary is proposing, would take an already bad situation, and make it alot worse. She would refuse to vote if that was the only choice she had.   gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

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Re: Big arguement with the wife.
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2008, 04:02:19 PM »
To get back on topic for a moment, I have come up with a solution of preventing the wife from cancelling out your vote, by voting for someone other than YOUR CHOICE.
Forget changing her mind. It's impossible, AND UNDEPENDABLE. Once she gets in that voting booth you'll never know for sure WHO SHE VOTED FOR.
I promised a solution and here it is. Go to WALMART, and buy two large rolls of duck tape! Yes! Duck tape! Tape her to a chair until the polls close.
Sure she'll be mad for a couple of years, but you have done damage control for FOUR YEARS. When the next presidential election starts getting close SUCK UP TO HER, regain her trust, and sneak off to WALMART again.
Oh yeah. One other thing. In four years, DO NOT fall asleep in your recliner on voting day.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett