I currently own two Colt 2nd generation revolvers ,and one third.
All of them are 45LC ,and are excellent guns.
In October i bought one of these newest Generation guns ,some call them 4th gen.
All of the features were that of a 2nd ,Cylinder bushing etc.
If i had never shot it i would have never known ,but i shoot my guns.
After cleaning and oiling,the first shot felt strange ,Black Hills ammo ,Copper Jacket.
Upon pulling the hammer back to fire again ,this gun locked up,not just something small ,i mean LOCKED.
Now with the gun in battery ,not responding to anything i was trying ,i couldn't even remove the Cyl. or open the loading gate ,or lower the Hammer.
I tied the hammer back with a tie wrap and called colt the next day ,they said i couldn't ship a loaded gun to them ?
I know this but i cant unload it. After getting no where i took it to a gun smith .
He managed to get it apart but he said he had a hard time of it.
He found three things , The Cylinder was off bored on where the pin went ,two of the chambers were not bored straight.
And the receiver wasn't square where the Cyl .goes .The two bad chambers if they came up on Battery and the round fired ,the case would expand against an unsquare receiver locking the gun down.
I sent it back to Colt and they had it over a Month ,when i got it back ,it looked like they had used a file all over the gun in places ,and did nothing about the finish.
The old Cylinder was still in it. I called ,and sent it back again ,they still have it and i cant seem to get anything out of them.
Buyer beware.