I've had seven of them over the years, and still have three, .222, .22-250, .308 Win. all three will shoot under .5" all the time, no exceptions. I re-stocked the .22-250 & the .308 with a Flaig's and a Bishop. The .222 is an old one that came with a walnut stock(1st two years), and I re-contoured it and re-finished it. My local 'smith redid the triggers for me at 2#,2#, & 3.25#. They are super shooters and are very strong. Don't listen to the dummies who will tell you the rear locking lugs make them spring, THAT'S BS!!! Just look at the thickness of the walls of the action, & how the front of the bolt fits into it. Spring my A$$. Most people who dump on a 788 never owned one. I never regretted buying any of mine, just wish I had kept them all.