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Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« on: January 19, 2008, 05:02:31 AM »
I picked up a 30.06 cdl from wal mart. Put on a leepy II and went out to the range. Couldn't get groups at 25 yards. The barrel rested near one side of the stock and the trigger on the other, stock coating is chipping off the edges already, the matte finish on the barrel comes off to easy and terrible trigger pull. I put it in a H-S Precision black web stock and replaced the trigger with timney, the new one with safety. What should i do about the barrel finish? Anything else i should do before going out to the range? I used 150 and 165 Remington core-lok for deer and yotes.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 12:04:50 AM »
You should have tried adjusting the trigger before you replaced it,the stock could have been modded as well,should have gone to the local sporting goods store and bought a 700 bdl,ss,dm.Walmarts prices are the best but they get 2nds,i dont care what anyone says,they dont get the same quality remington rifles as the sporting goods stores do.You can compare the wood and finish and see the difference right away.Recheck your Base and mounts screws,I use blue loktiite,check the barrel for burrs ect.Use factory ammo and shoot it at 100 yards.Is the scope new,,what kind of rest?Use one load when sighting in,the one you will be shooting in the field.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 12:47:05 AM »
Nonya is correct.... I worked in the gun business for years  and the Remington the discount houses get are crap. Seen bad trigger, fit to stock finish and on a Winchester 70 Ranger model the barrel was not straight in the action. he wanted us to fix it LOL told him to take it back. Between the Dicount store and the internet alot of local gun shops either go under or don't stock  things like the gun shops of the  50s-early 90s. I guess 30 bucks is worth more then the knowledge that a gun shop offers I guess the girl or guy that sold  sneakers the day before is enough.

Use your local gun shops. Knowledge is worth the extra and the fire arms a a better quality. 
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Offline Remmy

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2008, 02:27:41 AM »
The scope is new from SWFA. I read bore paste will help I may give it a try. Also read using emery cloth inside the scope rings will help. The gun rests were borrowed at the range it was a bag type.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2008, 02:41:55 AM »
I wouldnt mess with the bore or the rings until you figure out the cause of the problem.Get a couple boxs of the ammo you are going to use,make dam sure all your base and rings screws are TIGHT,and shoot it at 100 yards.I have never had to lap a ring( i use Leu and millet rings) and i own several Remington rifles that shoot 1 inch  groups with no alterations to the barrel.If the damn thing wont group after you try some more try to return/exchange it,I returned a rem 22 lr 597 to walmart when it wouldnt feed out of the box.
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2008, 06:10:23 AM »
Urban myth: Walmart sells a special kind of cheap Remington and Remington will risk their reputation in order to make a POS Remington just for Walmart even if it is their Top of the Line model. They reserve their quality rifles for the small gun shops that buy their rifles thru several layers of jobbers before they get them. This is a myth put out by small gun shops and folks that like to pay extra for their guns.  Walmart sells to the masses and you will see very few CDL's in Walmart unless they special order them.
 On my CDL, it doesn't have a matte finish, it's a deep blue.  And the stock on my CDL is a oil finish. I don't see how it could chip.  Also, if the barreled action was so mis-aligned that the barrel was touching on one side and the trigger touching on the other, I would have noticed before I left the store.
 My question is, with all this stuff wrong with the rifle, why didn't Remmy contact Walmart or Remington before shooting the rifle or shortly thereafter instead of doing all the after market stuff and then coming in here to vent?
I think Remmy is a troll.   ::)

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2008, 06:16:21 AM »
Not buying it,MY walmart doesnt have the same Rems My local Sportsmans warehouse does,quality is OBVIOUSLY different,especially on the wood stocked models,I have bought Rems from walmart and rems from various other outlets,there is a difference.Its just like Costco and their electronics,2nds and blems that didnt quite make to cut on inspection.Walmart does NOT sell enough rem firearms to get the discount ,they dont sell any rifles in most their stores now,they get what they pay for.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 05:03:23 PM »
Walmart doesn't sell enough Rems ........" you've got to be kidding right? If every Walmart store sold only one Remington rifle/shotgun a month, they would probably still be the biggest retail outlet that Remington has. They sell enough that they had Remington make a special run of laminated stock ADL's that were non-catalog items. Better than the synthetic stock ones.  Kinda like Gander Mtn had them make a run of XR-100's in .308. It's the old business axiom of money talks, BS walks.
Sorry, if you buy a CDL in Walmart, it's the same CDL you buy in a specialty shop. The only difference is the price. More than likely, however, if you buy an ADL in Walmart, it's the same ADL you would buy in a specialty shop.  Incidentally, did you know that Walmart would special order rifles for you?  
A couple of months ago, I bought a rifle at Gander Mtn.  You can be sure I looked it over really good before I brought it home.   ;)
Remmy is still a troll. The stuff he sez is happening to "his" CDL couldn't happen to a CDL. I'm surprised you bought into it.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2008, 05:49:53 PM »
i think 'remmy' is trying to upset somebody.   i think 'remmy' couldn't begin to put something constructive together for this site right now.     i don't see all these 'seconds' that wal mart supposedly sells; and i've looked at enough of 'em that were remingtons to know.   

i'll take a remington from wal mart, gander mt., revco, sears, toys-r-us, ambiance-for-lovers, etc.etc.etc.  :P :P :P  ANY TIME i can get one!   

good job beeman'

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2008, 10:11:36 PM »
Ok buy rems from walmart,IDC,ill get mine where they will stand behind them and I wont have to return them.The slight price difference isnt worth it to me on Remington rifles.Out of the 10 or so firearms I have bought from WM about 2 of them were worth buying.Ruger 10/22 and a BAikal shotgun,the rest developed problems in no time and were either returned,traded,sold or shelved.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2008, 08:51:07 AM »
In the 90's Remington had a dell with wal-mart to supply  adls  and 870 express the gun shop I worked in full time  was across the road from a new walmart. we sent the bosses wife over and she bought a 870 express there for 213.00 out the door we compared it with a 870 express we got from Ellett bros in Chapin SC there was a wolrd of difference now the best deal we had on rems was 215.00 our cost . but rems deal with the devil was they  will talk back all returned  guns, this got rem in finacial trouble. I know I turned away 20 wal mart 870s with a range of problems the qa guy should have caugt, or he let by.I personal opion i with that large an order from wal mart there prdouction was not up to it'sand it's reg customer too. And Extra people needed for large orders did not have the time to catch everyting. We inspected every firearm that canme in the shop new & used. and we returned the new ones that did'nt meet our standards  and we problly sent back only 30-35  guns in my time there 6 yrs.  AL this wa in the early 90's what they are up to know I don't know and don't care.
Sorry for getting wound up
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2008, 09:26:24 AM »
I was under the assumption that Wal-mart orders from a distributor just like everybody else.

Here in Enid OK the slight difference in price can be quit a lot.
I have seen guns priced over list.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2008, 09:41:24 AM »
I can only vouch for the early mid 90's what they do now can be a whole lot different.  Like every retailer they go for whats best for them(that's not bad that business) . now pricing over msrp is a rip-off. knowing  how the pricing should work I avoid these people they are crooks. I've seen gun buyers pay stupid prices for things.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2008, 10:03:07 AM »
It sounds like you bought a rifle that shouldn't have left the factory if the QC people were even half-awake.  With all of the problems, why did you even accept the rifle from Wal-Mart?  Even then, why didn't you bring it back or have them send it back to Remington?  If you had bought it from a local dealer what would you have done?  Why would the the dealer have done anything different than Wal-Mart if you didn't reject it at first or bring it back if you noticed the problems later?  Whether Remington sells low-end rifles to Wal-Mart or not, they have a reputation to uphold, and if they knowingly ship junk out the door for short-term profit, they will lose in the end.

Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2008, 11:31:54 AM »
I used to be an assistant manager at Wal-Mart, and before that I was the Sporting Goods Dept. Manager.  I can tell you without a doubt that Wal-Mart gets their guns from distributors just like the gunshops , specifically Lipseys and Sports South.  There are specific guns that are stored in Wal-Mart distribution centers that are every day items in the stores.  Anything special that isn't regularly on the rack is ordered direct from Lipseys and Sports South.  Managers can and do order a variety of guns that aren't part of the regular retail layout (called a modular at Wal-Mart, called a planogram by every other retailer in the world??).  Sometimes the distributors will offer deals to the buyer at Bentonville and then they get sent out to the stores.  In the year that I ran the dept., I never ever got a gun that was substandard or a 2nd.  And I sold almost 600 guns that year, personally.   Not including what was sold when I wasn't there.  I did get a few that were damaged in shipping, but I sent them back.

Wal-Mart's buying power is unmatched by any company in the world.  If they want an item for a certain price, you can be damn sure that they'll get it.  I quit back in 2002, and that year, Wal-Mart's gross sales total was more than all the other big box retailers in the country COMBINED.  Almost $370 billion dollars.  And that doesn't include Sam's Club or Bud's Warehouse. 

Wal-Mart has every company that sells items in their stores by the short hairs.  If every Wal-Mart sells one gun a day, that would be almost 4000 guns a day.  If only half of them sell one, it's still 2000 a day.  In an article about Savage Arms, it was said that they produce around 500 guns a day.  Think about that.  Wal-Mart sells 4-8 times the daily production of one of our major firearms companies.  If Wal-Mart suddenly decided not to sell Savage Arms, that company would be on the verge of bankruptcy, more than likely.  In the end, if your local store is getting junk guns, it's because the distributor is sending them out to Wal-Mart instead of returning them to the manufacturer, not because the gun companies cheapen the guns specifically for Wal-Mart.  If the store is selling junk, then they have a Dept. Manager that either is clueless, or doesn't care enough to check the guns before they are sold.

I've also noticed in my local store that there is a large notice that they will no longer accept returns on firearms, nor will they send them out for manufacturer repairs.   My best advice that is if you are looking for the most gun at the least dollar, and that's all you want, then yeah, Wal-Mart is the place to go.  If you want someone who knows what they are selling and how to take care of it, then you need to get to the local shop and spend an extra $30 or $40.   Wal-Mart buys in such quantities that a lot of times, their retail price is below the local dealers cost for the gun.  I know because I used to have dealer access on a distributor site, and  just about everything sold at Wal-Mart has a retail price that is lower than what my dealer cost would have been.  I mean, if Wal-Mart has an ADL for $350 and the local shop is asking $450 for it, (just like a local guy is), 99% of the population is going to go with Wal-Mart.  But his dealer cost was probably $375 or more.  He just can't compete and still feed the family.  If you have a local shop with a quality rep, that's where I'd go with my business, regardless of price.  I get most of my guns off the net now, either through gunbroker, auctionarms, or gunsamerica, mostly because I am looking for things that just aren't available locally.  I've met and worked with more "nice" dealers, and been treated fairly, on the net much better than I ever have locally.  I do try to patronize the dealers that do my transfers as well, just a way of saying thanks for what they do.  I always give them the first shot before I shop around.

As for Remmy, I think that he's a troll too.  Like beemanbeme said, the things that are happening to the CDL can't happen, because it's physically impossible because of the construction of the gun.  Blued finishes don't flake, and oil finish stocks don't either.  If Remmy has the presence of mind to buy an HS Precision stock and a Timney trigger, he should have done the things everyone has stated before shelling out $300 on a stock and $80 on trigger for a "junk" gun.  If the gun was that bad, he's just pissing more money away.  I think that he's full of crap.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2008, 01:29:12 PM »
Whats a "troll" ?
I decided a pillar bed would fix the problem but the pillars slid up 1/8 inch, yes even with a bit of stock finish flaking off around the cap. After this botch job return is out of the question. You have to admit the H-S Precision stock is good quality, already fully bedded and pillared and i like the feel of the Timney. Later on i will drill it out the wood stock and attempt my second pillar bedding job just for the experience. This is the first matte finish i owned maybe they all scratch off this easily.
Seems i stepped into something mentioning a problem with a Remington and Wal-Mart in the same sentence.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2008, 02:17:31 PM »
How much did you pay for the rifle?  A Remington CDL has an oil finish stock and a deeply blued finish, as stated above.  On the stock, there is no finish to flake off.  It's oil impregnated wood.  On a blued gun, there is no finish to flake off.  You can scratch it through the finish into the metal, but it won't flake or chip.   So the issues that you say you are having with this gun aren't possible, as several of us have already stated. 

A troll is someone who's trying to stir up trouble on purpose.  Are you?

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2008, 10:31:47 PM »
Right first there are just too many folks with new Remington's that have serious faults that should never have have left the factory in the first place. The company which actually owns Remington only cares about maximum profits. They care nothing for quality and customers and it seems hard core Remington fans will accept this and keep buying sub standard products and all the time you buy them they will keep making them to such low standards.

If they refuse to admit to faults that's makes it cheaper of course as if the deny their is a problem then they don't have to fix their poor work do they?

Of course criticising Remington production and quality qualifies me as a troll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well it's true that I don't own any Remingtons and doubt I ever will own a model 700 as I don't like the way they are made. I will however still look for a good Model 30! a rifle made the proper way and to proper quality standards and control.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2008, 10:44:22 PM »
Whats a "troll" ?
I decided a pillar bed would fix the problem but the pillars slid up 1/8 inch, yes even with a bit of stock finish flaking off around the cap. After this botch job return is out of the question. You have to admit the H-S Precision stock is good quality, already fully bedded and pillared and i like the feel of the Timney. Later on i will drill it out the wood stock and attempt my second pillar bedding job just for the experience. This is the first matte finish i owned maybe they all scratch off this easily.
Seems i stepped into something mentioning a problem with a Remington and Wal-Mart in the same sentence.

You were called a troll because you brought up a subject some are willing to throw insults over,Walmarts sub quality Remington's,I have owned them i know there is a difference.With that stock you have eliminated one possible problem,not tighten everything down and shoot the hell out of it,see if it comes around and let us know.Thanx Foggy for sharing the truth about Walmarts Rems,sometimes its impossible to see the obvious.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2008, 02:47:26 AM »
See, Kyelkhunter, all those years of experience don't count for nothing. Nonya and Remmy sez you're wrong so there!  ;D
Nonya, as pointed out by several, what allegedly happened to Remmy's rifle couldn't happen to a CDL.  I don't think your boy even knows what a CDL is. 
Walmart, at least the ones I've been in, sells Weatherbys, Winchesters, Savages, Rugers, even Handirifles and such. The models are all entry level rifles or the low end models of the brands.  If you see a, say, CDL, usually someone has ordered it and failed to pick it up.  My question is: do all of the gun manufactureres have a special "junky" line of rifles that they sell thru Walmart even tho it might jeopardize their reputation or is it just Remington?

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2008, 05:10:54 AM »
I know their Charles Daly auto loaders are worthless,dont know if thats standard or just the ones walmart sells.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2008, 07:06:18 AM »
Brithunter, As I posted, I bought a Rem 700 CDL a few weeks ago. 7-08. It was as good a rifle as 700's I bought 40 years ago.  I know because I have those 40 year old 700's in the safe to compare.  In fact, 40 years ago, I had to special order my 700's with euro stocks or accept the bowling ball urothane finish that was tyhe vogue at that time. My CDL has a nice oil finish. 
As far as your socialist plaint that Rem is inerested in maximaum profits, any corp I own stock in (I don't ownany Rem stock) had damned well better be interested in max profits.  And the way you get max profits is to produce a superior product at a competitive price and develope growing cadre of satisfied, repeat customers.  You might want to read a little more Ayn Rand and a little less Marx.  ;D

Y'all excuse my typing, I'm down in VA and my B-I-L has a 13" monitor and I can barely see what I'm typing.  :-*

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2008, 09:09:39 AM »
A few years ago, WallyWorld marketed a set of 1100s that were the "Sam Walton Commenorative" series. .410 thru 12ga and beautifully finished. At the same time Remington was making the Dale Earnhart shotguns also. One and the same guns, but for the inscription on the sides. As for the person known as REMMY...If you bought a rifle or shotgun from WalMart and had a problem with it, whether it's a Savage on up to Weatherby,then you should have had the sense to send it back for warranty repairs and possible replacement.
Nonya, the Charles Daly Shotgun that you referred wasn't that bad of a gun for your weekend hunter. One of the guys at my range bought one with intent of hurting it. He brought it to the skeet range and shot a couple of boxes of shells through it every weekend. This went on until it quit working! How many shots before it stopped? Over 500! He'd not done any cleaning, period. Gun was pulled apart sitting in our skeet house, dowsed down with some gunscrubber, and he went back to finish the round. He still shoot it occassionally and uses it for his foul weather gun. Oh and the one cleaning that it had that's the only one its had and it still shoots.


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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2008, 10:26:58 AM »
I'm the first to admit that I've had a couple of 700's that weren't worth a hoot at all.  One was an $850 LTR tactical that I didn't get at Wal-Mart.  A heavy barrel tactical that wouldn't shoot a 1" to save my life.  With any ammo.  It was a dog.  Just to make sure it wasn't me, I took another rifle to the range next time.  Bad groups with the tactical .308, grabbed my CZ 527 in 7.62x39 and shot a series of groups under 2" with Wolfe Military ammo.  Go figure?  I even had a guy that I know can REALLY shoot well try the gun.  He's got a custom 700 sniper and gets 3/4" groups at 300 yds with his handloads.  He couldn't get less than 1.5" regardless of what he did.  I called Remington and was told that 2" groups are spec for the 700, regardless of the make or model.  Maybe the guy I talked to was a moron?  Gun is gone now and it doesn't matter.  It hasn't kept me from buying other 700's because I know that the percentages are usually with the gun.

Matter of fact, I've never bought a Remington center-fire rifle at Wal-Mart, all of mine have been through gunshops or dealers.  I've had ten 700's, and 4 of them didn't shoot at all.  But the other 6 were superb shooters.  It can happen with any make or model.  If you aren't getting a gun custom built to your specs by a highly qualified smith with a reasonable guarantee of accuracy, then it is always a crapshoot.  I have bought several rimfires and shotguns, along with a Ruger 1A in 7x57 that I ordered from Lipseys to celebrate my quitting of Wal-Mart.  That gun wasn't substandard in any way.  Superb fit, finish, and all loads I tried went under an inch at 100 yds.  Neither were any of the shotguns or rimfires substandard.

I think that you are more likely to get burned by a local dealer to be honest, because if they order a gun and it's substandard, they have to sell it.  There's no money in letting a gun just sit around and take up space.  Wal-Mart can afford to let a gun sit until it's sold, whether 3 days or 3 years.  Of course, if you have a good reputable local guy, use him for your business by all means.

The purpose of the replies on this thread aren't to damn the 700.  Or the local dealers.  It's just ludicrous to suggest that gun companies will produce substandard products to sell through the largest retailer in the world, which would also offer the most hands on exposure to their products.  Every shop or retailer will get a product that shouldn't have passed through QC.  It's obvious that the company that sells the most guns will also have the most guns that shouldn't have been passed along for sale.  Most of the local dealers that say that Wal-Mart guns are cheaply made versions usually say that right after someone asks"  How come it's $75 cheaper at Wal-Mart?" 

A lot of old-timer/small timer businesses just don't seem to understand the volume discounts which result in lower prices for the same product.  I am an independent distributor for a local bread company.  We're in about 15 states.  I sell to Wal-Mart 5 days a week.  You know what a loaf of my white bread is at Wal-Mart?  Here, it's $1.28 retail.  Their cost is about 95 cents.  Am I making money?  Sure.  Is the company I sell for making money?  Damn sure.  Is Wal-Mart making money?  Of course.  The local mom & pop store a couple of miles away sells my white bread too.  Know what their cost is?  $2.15 a loaf.  They retail it at $2.49.  They don't sell enough to get any volume discounts.  Are they making money?  Yes.  Do they sell a lot of bread?  No, but they like the service I provide.  Their COST is almost TWICE what Wal-Mart's RETAIL is.  Is the bread that I'm selling Wal-Mart a more cheaply made, inferior product?  Nope.

Newsflash people:  It's the same story for the gun business.

As for Brithunter's comments, sure, there are guns that have faults which shouldn't have been pushed out.  That is an issue with Remington and Cerberus, not Wal-Mart.  If anyone thinks that as a company, Wal-Mart has to time to inspect each and every gun that passes through the stores, you're out of your mind.  Remington isn't the only firearms company owned by Cerberus you know.  I hardly ever hear anyone bitching about Bushmaster AR-15's.  Same parent company, same issues, right?  If a company isn't in business to make money, they won't be in business at all.  All gun companies have the same issues with QC and such.  It's a fact of life when something is produced by man, it is subject to flaws and failure.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2008, 11:37:30 AM »
Here's hoping we can get away from the bickering so as I or the almighty master himself doesn't close this. Nothing terrible as of yet, Please let's keep it that way.

An argument/debate like this has no end, those of you who think Walmart sells sub-par Remingtons will stand by your opinion because you've had bad experiences with them. Those of us who say they aren't of any lesser quality won't budge because the models we've gotten from the huge retailer have all been as good as any rifle bought from a gun shop. A few of us have 1st hand experience as far as how distribution/ordering works within Walmart(I am not one of them) and I trust their word more than anyones.

Personally my 700 VLS .308 is the most accurate rifle I have ever had the honor of owning/shooting. I did nothing but lighten the trigger, It shoots sub .5 MOA all day long, got it from Walmart for 110.00 less than Gander or Dicks was asking. If that's lower quality, by all means sign me up for another 20 just like it.

If the SPS Varmint I'm waiting for from Gander has issues while the Walmart rifle does not, you can bet I'll be livid but it's not the retailers fault. A lot slip thru the cracks, this will NOT change. As kyelkhunter3006 and others have stated, the more you make and sell, the more QC issues arise, there is no way of getting around this other than maticulously inspecting each and every rifle, in turn slowing down production rates drastically, thus hurting profits. These companies are in it to make the green stuff, Big Green is no different. We'd all like to think we are special and being catered 2 and our rifle was meant for us. We aren't children anymore, everything revolves around $$ and we as consumers pay the price at times.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2008, 12:10:27 PM »
I'm done with the debacle.  Been there and done that. That's why I don't use any of the local gunshops around here anymore, all of them say the same silliness to anyone who will listen.  When I tell them I know better, and start talking about the business and the distributors, they either shut up fast, or say that they didn't know any better.  I apologize if I'm a bit too passionate about it, I've dealt with this "2nd's" stuff for too long, as a former manager, and a shooter/hunter.  It gets tiresome.   ::)

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2008, 01:53:12 AM »
Sniper,good point,those who have never bought a lemon,of a basket of them from walmart have no reason to believe they might sell less than quality firearms  whatever the brand.The first CD autoloader I had...The bolt BROKE IN HALF after less than a box of 3 inch duck rounds,it was returned for cash refund.The second time I convinced myself that it was a fluke and I couldnt come anywhere near matching the price on a similar shotgun so I got another one,newer model.First it was a jammomatic with anything longer then 2 3/4 inch shells,no amount of tweaking,polishing and smith advice would make it reliable,then the PLASTIC back portion of the action(sits inside and the bolt recoils off it) shattered on a duck hunt and completely filled the PLASTIC trigger group with pieces of plastic.If you brake these guns down the internals are mounted on plastic,they are worthless.If it wernt for WMs new no return policy on firearms (WONDER WHY) it would be gone too.I have bought 4 firearms from WM that were completly useless and 3 were returned,another 4 that worked as advertised but the finish is subpar(get what you pay for) and 3 that I am happy with,2 ruger 10/22s and a Baikal shotgun.Take 5 mins out of your busy day and look at WMs rems then run over to e big sporting goods store and compare,start with the Rem mdl 1187 shotguns,the walmart ones are obviously 2nd class,even the plastic stocks are obviously raggad,look at the details,the casting marks,the polish on the bolt,ect,these guns dont get the finish time that they should.When i buy one of Rems more expenzive precision rifles I go through a sporting goods store and i order from the custom shop,the price is slightly higher for the rifle,but as stated you get what you pay for.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2008, 07:02:50 AM »
I only read the first few posts.  I work at a plant that is about an hour from Remington's Ilion, NY plant.  We've hired 5 or 6 supervisors from Remington to be supervisors at our plant over the last year.  Most of them are really good guys.  The first thing I asked them (one at a time when they weren't together) is whether gun shops get better guns then the likes of Walmart.  The all told me NO. 

When a firearm is assembled and ready to be shipped, they do all the BATF paper work and ship it to a distributor.  The distributors sell the firearms.  When most firearm leaves the plant, they have no idea where it's going to be sold.  There are times when a store like Grices in PA or even Dick's Sporting Goods will order a 250, 500 or 1000 lot runs of special firearms.  Under normal circumstances though when a Remington model 700 CDL is being made, they have no idea where it's going.  It's a myth.  Gun shops love it, but it's not true.   
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2008, 07:25:17 AM »
So why do some of walmarts firearms have serial numbers that designate they were made for WM?because they dont know where they are going either?I assume there is some kind of pre shipping inspection,what happens there?If there are blems or nonuniform fitting what happens?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2008, 07:42:46 AM »
As I said earlier, there is no end to this debate. Some have had several bad purchases from Walmart while others have had several good purchases, the beat goes on....

Industry insiders(in this thread anyways) all say that Remington does nothing different as far as finishing the gun and sending it off, no deviations from their normal routine. But at the same time, some see obvious differences in the overall fit and finish and rate it sub-par.

I already talked about my VLS from Walmart, allow me to mention something else...

A friend ordered his VLS 2 weeks after shooting mine. I checked it out in the layaway section of the store before he signed the papers, fit and finish were as good as mine so off he went. It shoots as good as mine so not much else to be said.

A few weeks after that, my cousin joined us on a trip to Gander Mountain. He was wanting a varmint model 700(getting tired of the recoil from his 710) so when we got there and saw they had a VLS in .243, he asked to hold it. The barrel was pushed over to the left side, touching the stock, while the right side looked laughably out of place with the huge gaping space between stock and steel. I mentioned this to the guy on duty, he took it back to their little room where their scope rings and mounts hang behind the glass(assuming this is the gunsmiths room?), broke it down and the channel was obviously made incorrectly. He put her back together and the result was the same. He asked if we were buying it and I said No Thanks, and asked if he'd really sell that knowing it wasn't right. He muttered something which I didn't understand, I have a feeling it was directed towards me though and not very nice LOL

My cousin still has his 710 and never got a VLS but personally that's two 700 VLS models from Walmart that not only look as good as from anywhere else but are supreme shooters, and one 700 VLS model from a "regular" shop/store that was definitely not worth the future headaches.

Thus far I've had the exact opposite experiences compared to NONYA and others  ???

*praying my SPS from Gander doesn't match the VLS experience  :(