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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2008, 07:53:22 AM »
So why do some of walmarts firearms have serial numbers that designate they were made for WM?
I never heard of this one.  I can tell you that the Remington 11-87 Premier 20 ga. that my parents bought for me a few years ago at Walmart has a serial number start with the letters TL, them has the numbers.  I have no idea what TL mean.  It doesn't mean Walmart though.!     

I assume there is some kind of pre shipping inspection,what happens there?If there are blems or nonuniform fitting what happens?
Like any other manufacture, if they can fix it, they fix it.  If they can't they'll tear it down and use the good parts on other firearms and scrap out what they can't use.  If you've ever worked in manufacturing, you'd know that this happens everyday.  They use to sell them to their employees if it was a minor defect like a scratch or something.  I don't know if they still do this or not. 

Go to your local gun shop.  Go in looking for a Remington that you know Remington makes and has made for a few years that the gun shop doesn't have in stock.  Ask him/her to order it for you.  They're going to pick up the phone and call a distributor.  The distributor is going to go into his/her warehouse and get the firearm.  If he/she has ten of the firearms you want sitting on a shelf, which one are you going to get.  The one on top because that's the easiest one to grab.  If a Walmart in that area calls right after you for the same firearm, they're going to get the one that was under the one you just ordered.   
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2008, 07:57:13 AM »
Here's some food for thought. Years ago, I bought several Winchester M70 Ranger bolt actions on clearance for $150 each, NIB.  A couple of .243's, a .270, and a 30-06.  Gave the .270 to my uncle, kept one of the .243's and the 30-06.  These were the "cheap" ones with the push feed action and hardwood stock.  The .243 would shoot an inch or less with a couple of different loads, all I did was free float the barrel.  The 30-06 was and still is the most accurate factory rifle that I've ever shot.  Out of the box, less than an inch with every load I ever tried, I could even mix loads in the mag and get 1" groups.  I have no idea why it shot so well, and I still regret ever selling it.  That's another story though. 

Anyway, I took the other .243 to a local shop that ws notorious for telling people that guns at Wal-Mart were cheaper than what he sold because they were junk, 2nd's, made just for Wally World.  He had a S&W 686 that I took a real liking too, so I went in to see what kind of trade he would do.  He checked out the .243 and proclaimed it one of the nicest ones he'd ever handled, regardless of the fact that it was a Ranger.  I told him that I'd gotten the gun for cheap, so we worked a deal that was to both of our advantages.  He asked me where I got the gun, and I said, "Wal-Mart".  He told me there was no way it came from there, it was "too nice for one of their guns".  I handed him the receipt as I walked out of the store, and I've been back one time, a couple of weeks later. He had the gun on the rack for $459, Wal-Mart's price at that time $349.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2008, 07:59:12 AM »
Keep believing it,walmart loves you folks,ill buy my rem rifles elsewhere.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2008, 08:07:29 AM »
I just remembered something and am now wondering if certain Walmarts have different distributors or go about getting their hands on rifles in a different manner altogether.

I don't recall the name of the Distributor seeing as I got my VLS from Walmart over 2 years ago but it was the same dist. that Dicks used. If this holds true at present time, I couldn't tell ya.

Logic says that if it's the same distributor and I had to wait a week for the .308 version to come in from both Dicks and Walmart(I chose Walmart because it was $110.00 less), that both stores get their rifles from the same place. Gander is another ball of wax, they use 3 Distributors last I checked, that's why I'm starting to deal with them more because while Dicks can't get me crap, Gander has a much better chance of getting what I want and fast. I have no doubt that 1 of those distributors is the same one Dicks and Walmart uses though.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2008, 08:14:14 AM »
Keep believing it,walmart loves you folks,ill buy my rem rifles elsewhere.

I got my information from people that actually worked at Remington's Ilion, NY plant both in manufacturing as well as supervision.  None of them work for Remington anymore.  They're not going back to work for Remington, they have no reason the lie.   
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2008, 08:54:11 AM »
This "Remmy" guy is just stirring the pot. NOBODY buys a new rifle, has all those supposed problems, and puts another $400 in it. Sorry I don't buy it. Of all the rifles I own, only one came from Walmart. It's a 700ADL in 22-250 that they clearanced out for $220. It looks like any other Remington I've owned and/or looked at. It will shoot into 1" all day long with factory Rem 55gr psp bullets. I have two handloads that shoot into 1/2". That said, I prefer to buy from local shops when possible. I'd rather see my money go to the "little" guy, but not if it's $100 or more price difference.

Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2008, 12:02:01 PM »
Keep believing it,walmart loves you folks,ill buy my rem rifles elsewhere.

Ok, now are you saying that only Remington sells "2nds" to Wal-Mart?  I was under the impression that you think that all of the guns at Wal-Mart are "junk, crap, 2nds"?   ::)  We agree on many things from what I've read on GBO, but this is one that we just aren't going to get together on.  At least we agree to disagree. 

There are several major distributors that companies use:  Lipseys, Sports South, Grice Wholesale, Davidsons, to name a few.  Usually, major retail stores enter into an agreement with a distributor to use their services exclusively.  For example, (it might be different now), when I was at Wal-Mart, both Sports South and Lipseys had Ruger, but Wal-Mart only used Lipseys as a Ruger supplier, which was part of the contract with Lipseys.  I'm sure that if there was a supplier that was very close to stores in a certain region, that's where the guns would come to the store from, unless there was a nation-wide supplier contract.  Using a local distributor makes the most sense logistically.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2008, 02:10:27 PM »
Thanks for the input and you are right, I should wait and see how it does on the range sitting in a new H-S Precision stock, instead of the laminate CDL stock (not oil finished my mistake), before attempting to use bore paste but that will have to wait it is -20 outside right now. The 700 has a good heavy action to build on. True i will have more money into it the i can sell it for but i will be passing the Remington down to my son one day not selling it for cash. Next i will refinish it. I don't really like the look of a matte finish other then it matches the scope.
I wonder why Wal-Mart is not honoring a return policy any-longer? I purchased an Omega from Cabelas . After a slight snafu which resulted in my returning the rifle, Cabelas replaced the rifle with no arguments and very fast replacement time. Cabelas customer service has been number one in my book. I may never buy from Wal-Mart but Cabelas i am assured if there is a problem it will be handled in a decent manner.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2008, 02:35:30 PM »
I still don't have any idea what rifle you've actually bought.   How much was it?  Remington doesn't make the CDL in laminate or with a matte finish.  CDL's have really nice OIL finished WALNUT with a forend tip and DEEP BLUED finish.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2008, 03:22:42 PM »
A few years ago, WallyWorld marketed a set of 1100s that were the "Sam Walton Commenorative" series. .410 thru 12ga and beautifully finished. At the same time Remington was making the Dale Earnhart shotguns also. One and the same guns, but for the inscription on the sides. As for the person known as REMMY...If you bought a rifle or shotgun from WalMart and had a problem with it, whether it's a Savage on up to Weatherby,then you should have had the sense to send it back for warranty repairs and possible replacement.
Nonya, the Charles Daly Shotgun that you referred wasn't that bad of a gun for your weekend hunter. One of the guys at my range bought one with intent of hurting it. He brought it to the skeet range and shot a couple of boxes of shells through it every weekend. This went on until it quit working! How many shots before it stopped? Over 500! He'd not done any cleaning, period. Gun was pulled apart sitting in our skeet house, dowsed down with some gunscrubber, and he went back to finish the round. He still shoot it occassionally and uses it for his foul weather gun. Oh and the one cleaning that it had that's the only one its had and it still shoots.

I think you explain it best. Remington makes rifles and there is no pre destination as to where these rifles will end up. They end up where they end up. It would stand to reason that the biggest retailer would end up with the largest stock of bad rifles because they sell 1,000 times more than your local gun store. Think about it if your local gun store sells lets say 1,000 rifles a year. They may have 30 of them come back because they are a piece of crap. I really don't know the real numbers here but bare with me. Ok so lets say Walmart sells 100,000 rifles a year. That is probably small. So they would have have 3,000 come bask because they are a piece of crap. Dale
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2008, 03:32:22 PM »
"they don't get the same quality Remington rifles as the sporting goods stores do."

Yes, they do....
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2008, 03:36:53 PM »
The same goes for personal purchases. One fella on here has something like 27 Remingtons(forgive me for forgetting the members name), but he's come across something like 3 or 4 duds in all of those purchases. Those who have fewer models have less of a chance of coming across a dud.

*I think this SPS Varmint will be lucky #13 *gulp* and I have yet to own one that I haven't fallen inlove with. Some day I have no doubt that will change but until that day comes, I will praise Big Green and the retailers(Walmart included) who helped drain my checking account and fill my gun safe with wonderful firearms  ;)

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2008, 04:03:00 PM »
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Too many creditable post in here to refute but nonya, you and Remmy just hang in there. We're all wrong and you and your little, "i've got a matte-finished, laminated synthetic stocked CDL" buddy are right."
This little troll coven has gotten tedious, maybe they do need to lock it up.  ;D

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2008, 04:50:01 PM »
As far as I am concerned all gun makers make bad guns. Not all guns should hit the shelves. If you are an experienced gun owner you should have never left the store with a rifle that has the obvious cosmetic flaws that, that rifle did. As far as them operating properly there is no way of knowing that till you use it. Yes I am sure big chain stores have ordered enough rifles for a special run for their chain. Do you think they ask them to leave the bad ones out of the order. I think not. They are still going to get the tack drivers along with the ones that could not shoot the side of the barn if you were standing in it. All I can tell you is your luck really stinks if you bought 10 Remington rifles from Walmart and out of that 10 you had problems with 4 or 5 of them. If that is the case you really need to stop playing the lottery to because with your luck you are throwing your money away like anyone else. Dale
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2008, 05:07:33 AM »
It seems that this discussion has turned into a "Ford vs Chevy" duel. As we all know, this will never work itself out to the agreement of ALL of us.

I've been in the automotive industry for over 30 yrs. I've worked mainly in the parts dept. side of it. I've seen BRAND NEW cars and trucks comein on the car hauler that are broke before they even get unloaded. We had one car, that retailed for over 40K, that was started up and backed off. Before the car got around the building, to get checked over on its post-delivery inspection,it locked up! The car didn't have 3 miles on it! Stuff just happens, not matter the industry or the price. If it's man made, it stands a chance of having faults of some kind.


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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2008, 08:26:43 AM »
The same goes for personal purchases. One fella on here has something like 27 Remingtons(forgive me for forgetting the members name), but he's come across something like 3 or 4 duds in all of those purchases. Those who have fewer models have less of a chance of coming across a dud.

*I think this SPS Varmint will be lucky #13 *gulp* and I have yet to own one that I haven't fallen inlove with. Some day I have no doubt that will change but until that day comes, I will praise Big Green and the retailers(Walmart included) who helped drain my checking account and fill my gun safe with wonderful firearms  ;)

Sniper, I love it! Ha ha.

Notice that even though a couple (mainly me) of us have asked Remmy how much he paid for it at the store, he hasn't answered us yet.   Wonder why?  Maybe it wasn't even a Remington rifle?  Or wasn't bought at Wal-Mart?   :o

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2008, 09:42:26 AM »
U guys think his rifle is a ADL? my loacl wally world has a Rem 270 ADL with matt black barrel and laminated stock,guys maybe his rifle is HOT if u know what i mean :o sence he is not answering your question on how much he paid for it
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2008, 10:07:03 AM »
Mmmmm......  It sounds like the ADL, but I've looked at several of them and the fit and finish is superb, just like other Remingtons.  And blue can't "flake off" because it's not a coating on the metal.  I think that he's just clueless...............  I'm not going to touch the "hot" part though....

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2008, 10:46:26 AM »
No matter where you bought the rifle it's a Remington product and if the finish is falling off of the barrel I would contact Remington and tell them about it and let them fix your problem.
I do think there is a difference in what Wall Mart orders from Remington.  Sears ordered Winchester guns with plain finishes.  Davidson's orders Ruger guns in different models than what Ruger catalogs.  But it is a Remington product and they will stand behind it as long as it was a new gun and not a used gun that had been modified with a can of spray paint.
If I were Remington I would send all of my seconds to Wally world.  I'm sure Wall Mart sets a price to Remington as to what they will pay.  Wall Mart may ask for the seconds to get a cheaper price.  Chances are no one would complain and the few that do on the plain Jane models can be fixed.  The premium guns that some of you have written about being the same I agree that they are.  But look close there may be a small blemish somewhere in the stock or on the finnish.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2008, 11:23:00 AM »
"I do think there is a difference in what Wall Mart orders from Remington."

There isn't....
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2008, 12:11:01 PM »
when did they change the ADL to a matte finish? mine is blued.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2008, 12:14:24 PM »
You guys are funny...I don't recall the exact price, it was about four hundred dollars off the Remington web site price of last summer. I still have the box it shipped in. Interested in part at "hot" price? I got a pillar bedded laminated CDL stock for cheap (my first attempt at pillars and Devcon plastic steel). It is a nice feeling knowing if my trigger clogs up out in the field i have a good Remington back up trigger ready to be slapped in place after installing the Timney.
This matte 24 inch barrel came drilled and scope ready, no iron sites.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2008, 12:32:25 PM »
"I still don't have any idea what rifle you've actually bought.   How much was it?  Remington doesn't make the CDL in laminate or with a matte finish.  CDL's have really nice OIL finished WALNUT with a forend tip and DEEP BLUED finish."

I ordered it that way, special at Wal-Mart.

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2008, 03:11:03 PM »
Would you give a detailed description of the gun?  Roll markings, etc?  Heavy barrel, fluted barrel, long, short, etc?

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2008, 08:42:03 PM »
I used to be a store manager/dist mgr for Wal-mart stores for 7 years and delt with the vendors and I can tell you they did not sell seconds. We just did not carry high dollar, slow to move models. We sold to the general masses that wanted a good/economical hunting rifle. It was the local high dollar shop/I payed more for mine than yours/got it at a custom gun dealer type/more money than brains people that started that myth. I have a 700 I payed $349 for and is a tack driver/ junk ugly composite stock and matte barrel and all. Just my INFORMED 2 cents worth.
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2008, 04:25:51 AM »
So you have ONE Wm rifle that shoots and looks right,far from INFORMED.You think any of those vendors are going to admit selling 2nds or blems?Give me a break!
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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2008, 06:49:47 AM »
I can't figure out is this a Rem bashing thread or a Wally bashing thread or all of the above??   ???
You notice after I made my post about Wally special ordering rifles, that Nonya's little buddy decided his was special ordered.  :)

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2008, 07:09:12 AM »
My little buddy?And who do you think you are?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2008, 08:13:41 AM »
Well, I hope I'm your buddy too.  :)  I just know what a CDL looks like.  ;)

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Re: Wal Mart Remmy needs help
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2008, 09:16:33 AM »
I used to be a store manager/dist mgr for Wal-mart stores for 7 years and delt with the vendors and I can tell you they did not sell seconds. We just did not carry high dollar, slow to move models. We sold to the general masses that wanted a good/economical hunting rifle. It was the local high dollar shop/I payed more for mine than yours/got it at a custom gun dealer type/more money than brains people that started that myth. I have a 700 I payed $349 for and is a tack driver/ junk ugly composite stock and matte barrel and all. Just my INFORMED 2 cents worth.

That's ok, those of use who've worked at Wal-Mart don't know what we're talking about.  Haven't you read the posts?  HA HA HA   ::)