That is very true... but some of that "program" is changing. The natives around Alaska are adopting a different lifestyle in many areas, and as such are not so worried about control of their natural and historic resources... it seems that many natives want to depend on the corporations and tourism instead... Also, the population in Alaska hasn't changed much in past years, yes, it is growing... but anchorage is growing a lot faster. People are moving into the cities from the bush, which can mean that in some areas there is less control on those populations than there has been in the past.
I mean, honestly, it is an unwritten code between any hunter and trapper that if you see a wolf, and are able to kill it, you do so.
The problem goes back to the ability to do so. I have never seen a wolf in the wild. Not one. I've seen tracks. I've seen them in movies. Down here in Seward, their population isn't that high. But once again, the population of moose isn't that high, and there are no carbou on this side of the kenai pen. so therefor not many wolves. We do have lots of black bears though, seen plenty of them.
So in other areas where the problem is greater, you still aren't going to see them that often, they are a very elusive animal. The are smart, they are fast, and they are mean. This is why that we need every advantage we can get to help control their population.