What a load of horse hockey, SHOOTALL! Have you ever even SEEN a Classic Featherweight in a WSSM? Much less actually hefted one? I sincerely doubt it. If you ever get the chance, heft a Kimber 84M, that is a very similar rifle in weight and OAL, to a WSSM Classic Featherweight. I suppose all those boys that are buying those dandy little 84M's are just victims of aggressive marketing as well! (-: Oh, yeah, I did scarf up a 2008 Kimber catalog this afternoon, and sure enough, Kimber will be chambering the 84M Classic Select Grade, 84M Super America, and the Montana, in the .257 Roberts. I WILL have one of those, and I'm not even a Kimber fan. Hope this doesn't interfere with my plans to get into several NEW FN Model 70's this summer, as well as all the other stuff I'm am constantly scouring the gun shops for. (-:
Have a great day, SHOOTALL. Oh, by the way, got any stainless Classic Featherweights in WSSM's you could part with, real reasonable, of course, since they are turkeys anyway! (-: