Author Topic: Deer Vision  (Read 801 times)

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Offline vinpar092

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Deer Vision
« on: January 24, 2008, 05:24:45 AM »
If you washed blue straps with a UV Killer hunting detergent would deer still see the straps as blue? I need some straps for climbing sticks and had several blue straps around the shop. I didn't use them  because deer see blue and all season while in my stand I thought about deer vision. If the straps were worn or out in the weather and/or cleaned with a uv killer would the deer still see blue? I've seen yellow rope in the swamp where I live around other hunters stands before and deer can see yellow. What's your take? ???


Offline rickyp

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 07:24:56 AM »
If it stays there long enough the deer get use to it and wont pay any attention to it

Offline Kurt L

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 08:04:39 AM »
I agree if it is their they will get use to it.
also IMHO deer don't get bothered by color's that much it's the change of some thing new,
that they pick up on.
also in my area I will take the blind back to the field by the woods in October and you can go get in it 2 days
later and deer are not bothered by it. Also I have had deer within 10 feet of it and looking right at me.some days
 I have a red or blue ,Grey shirt they don't care.I don't make eye contact when they are that close and if you move
your busted! deer pick up on movement much more than seeing a color and being scared of it.
Just like if you ever had a deer stretch its neck and move around and even stop its foot while looking at you,its not that
they see your color they see some thing suspicious to them and they are trying to get you to move.
they are not as smart as every body makes them out to be movement is the biggest thing to get you busted and noise,if they
smell you you won't see them to start with they will sneak around you.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 07:00:08 AM »
Personally I think all the UV press, camo clothes, deer scent, scent hider, and such is a bunch of garbage.   For many years I have driven my pick-up to within 20-30 feet of where I have a stand located, I take my thermos with hot coffee, a snack, and crawl in the stand wearing my jeans and khaki shirt, I relax, have a cup of coffee and snack when I want, and sometimes use a heater to stay warm.  Not bragging, but over the years I have killed a boat load of deer, for the past ten years I have restricted my shoot to a 8 point or better, and a doe for meat.  I usually manage to fill my tags with no problem.  What is funny about this, many of my friends and hunting partners go full blast with the camo, scent hider, etc, and they kill less deer than I do.  

Offline jhm

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 01:46:22 PM »
I wear camo because I have it and it has all the extra pockets that come in handy, I buy them several sizes larger than what I normally wear and if it gets too warm I can remove them and still be comfortable in my 501s,  I love coffee and have always wondered if the deer can smell a good steaming cup of black coffee in the stand, I solved that by setting a MT Folgers can under the sink for all the used coffee grounds, after a day or 2 I take the coffee grounds down to the stand and around the feeder and broadcast them around, I do this walking around and dont worry about the scent because once the deer get used to you, your stand, your scent it wont scare them anymore, its the strange sights, smells, movements that scare them.   JIM

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2008, 04:14:29 PM »
Quote from: rockbilly
over the years I have killed a boat load of deer
Then you are MOST fortunate with an abundance of deer where others have few.

In SC, with the tree stand set and the hillside still going upwards behind you, in effect, you are "ground hunting" those deer coming at you from above and to both sides and tree stand hunting those deer coming from below. 

Deer can see untreated blue clothing "better" than UV treated blue clothing.  Movement will still get you busted before Street Clothes will - regardless of stand set.

Offline lewdogg21

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2008, 04:06:06 PM »

clothing color

Tons of elk (about as wary as anything) have been killed by guys in blue jeans.  If your not moving deer won't see you.  Scent for bow hunters makes a difference but with a rifle you probably can avoid needing it.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 05:22:15 PM »
I have to agree with what everyone has said here. If it bothers you that much then paint it. A little spray paint and hang it outside for a while and and you won't have to worry about anything.
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Offline Ranger J

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Re: Deer Vision
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2008, 04:45:15 AM »
I wore a blue insulated coverall set for ten years before I learned about the  'can see blue blue best thing, and it never seemed to bother them.  If I moved though....