This forum is a little slow so lets talk about this past season.
Duck ended for us today, we still have about three weeks of late goose to go. I will get out hopefully three more times this year if lucky maybe more.
This past year was disappointing for duck and decent for geese.
Ducks: I only limited once (last Sunday PM) and had a lot of zero, one and two duck hunts. However I was unable to go very much due to family and other obligations. If I was a teacher it would be a C- season.
Geese: We had several good hunts and so far. The wheat was pretty poor during the main push of geese so they did not stay around long. I would rate it a B.
Highlights for 2007:
My son shot his first two geese
He shot his first "unassisted" duck
I shot my first red head drake
Shot a banded speck
Tell us about your 2007.