I've got a Tasco Pro Point on my 44, been on there awhile. It's good for 240 gr. loads, and I have no complaints, but we'll see how it does with the harder hittin Corbon loads.
I've got the same setup to put on my 45LC, but I am thinking about putting my old Burris 1.5-4 on it to have a little more magnification on it while I am tinkering with what shoots, and what doesn't. This, 45LC, and the 45/70, not in handguns yet, are two calibers, I always had a soft spot for. Hope I'm going this strong at half there age.
Also and I may need to make this a seperate post, on scopes. I saw a Sightron 1X handgun scope sell a while back, should have bought it, but I didn't. It looks like this scope is no longer marketed by them. Has any body had any experience with this scope, in case I do run into it on the used market. Or do you know of a decent quality 1X handgun scope that would be worth putting on either of these barrels.
Thanks for the comments and info, Andy