OK Larry and guys here are the before and after results, I will shoot them again the be sure.
before results, .280 Remington with the 18.5" barrel, aka "Thunderboomer", shooting Remington 140 grain Pointed Soft Points...3 shot groups
50 yards 100 yards
.87 1.25
after results, same ammo: .80 1.25
before results, .243 Winchester with a 20" Superlight barrel, shooting Winchester 100 grain PowerPoints....3 shot groups
50 yards 100 yards
.75 6.5
after results, same ammo: .75 4.125
I do not know if these meager results can show any gain in accuracy but none was lost that's for sure. I will continue to work on the .243 and try some lighter weight bullets. Thanks for all your fine work Larry. The .243 after all is a Superlight barrel and we all know the .243 is most likely the most problematic caliber in a Handi, and of those the Superlight barrel is the worst for accuracy. It seems to shoot at least the first 2 fairly close and the third or those after are difficult to call. Since I am a hunter I will work on getting the first shot where I aim it and hopefully the next within an inch or so, after that all bets are off, for now at least, perhaps a different load or a lighter bullet will work better. My camera died and the one I bought my wife for Christmas did not come with a hookup to the computer. I will save these targets and try to get pictures from work and send them to someone who can post them for me...<><....