The local paper had a letter to the editor from a Humane Society bigwig asking our city council to bad our archery deer season in the city that is used to control the deer heard. Here is my response to that letter. Jim
To the Telegram. Editorial page Letters to the Editor
I felt I had to reply to Lynn Mooney Reginal Coordinator of the Humane Society of the USA letter dated July 3rd 2003
After reading your letter I felt I had to respond. I am a Hunter!! Bow, and Gun. I also have a great appreciation of life, human and animal. Yes I do harvest animals and as humainly as possible. I also realize that our city has a deer problem that has to be taken care of and your methods of repellents, nets, and fences have been proven as not to work. You say we hunters are not humane in our harvesting of animals yet you evidently will not mind that with out hunting, the deer will over populate and either starve to death when we get a harsh winter, or deer / car crashes that leave the animal crippled or suffering along side the road or ditch or dead. Which is more humane?? I feel the hunting is, plus the animal is a resource and not wasted but used to feed some one either the person or family who harvested it, or a food kitchen some where who greatly appreciate the food.
I do know that the Humane Society and PETA would like all hunting and guns banned. I also know the following: Hunters and sportsfolk like animals not just only for food, but for the animals themselves. Most hunters and gun owners have a dog or some other pet. In the case of dogs most are like family and not just a pet used for hunting. Yes I have a dog and he is my spoiled pampered part of the family. Most hunters and shooters appreciate the view of the animals they harvest when it is not hunting season and shoot lots of them WITH A CAMERA!! Or we just like to look at them. We appreciate what nature has given us and show it. Most of us respect animals and when hunting take all means possible to do it safely and humanly.
Hunters, gun owners, fishing people, sportsmen and women offer a lot. We spend lots of money to pursue our sports. LOTS of money! We in spending that money keep a lot of folks in business, all types of businesses. We buy food, clothes, gas, lodging, vehicles, boats, campers, dogs, guns, bows, and accessories, liquid refreshments of all kinds, go to restaurants, and bars, resorts, campgrounds and the list goes on too much to mention. We also through our licenses provide the States and Gevernment with money for wildlife funding. Not just game animals but all wildlife!! If it was not for us sportsmen and women there are species that would have been lost. We saved them due to our funding of wildlife projects! We have a lot to offer!! People of the community, what has the anti gun and anti hunting crowd ever done for you? Next hunting season when you see all of us spending money in your town look to see how many peta or humane society folk or anti gun and hunting people are around spending money? They may be asking you for yours for a donation so they can keep up their propaganda, but I bet they will be spending little of it to line your pockets.