Got one today and tried some Winchester M-193 ball and some Hansen M885 and gave her a quick and dirty 50 yard range trip.I was more than happy with the accuracy of this neat rifle .Both loads printed under 1 inch for 3 rounds and the muzzle flash of the M885 loads was awesome! I see on EAA's web site that due to " a business decision of EAA's the no longer stock parts for Saigas". Any idea on a source for 10 rounders ( preferred) or 20 rounders? The sporter style stock is very comfortable and the 2 stage trigger is well defined , smooth and not at all bad for a military gun. Empties went foward and right about 20 feet and were pretty dented. Recoil was nill and recovery time between shots was very short.The finish of the parts was excellent( under the paint) . Not a bad SHTF rifle, which is exactly why I bought her.