Old English, I had to laugh when I read your post. I have experienced the wet sensation you get when a varmint call is placed in the wrong spot. Back in the days of eight-track players I had a home made recording from a varmint call record (vinyl) on a eight track tape, I also had a portable eight-track player that I had picked up in Viet Nam. At that time ( 1966) a bounty was being paid for coyotes in Eastern New Mexico. A friend and myself went to another friend's place near San Jon to pop a few dogs. We made a makeshift blind on the side of a little hill with rocks and sage brush, daylight the next day we were in the blind ready for action. I turned the eight track on when it got light enough to see, and set back waiting. About 30-40 minutes went by, the tape was turned on and off several times during that period, as I reached over to turn it off again there were two coyotes three-four feet above us on the side of the hill. One was so hard pressed for a rabbit meal that it came in the blind with us, teeth bared, growling and acting half crazy. We almost shot each other trying to kill the dog, but watched as it topped another hill unharmed. It didn't take but once to figure out the player does not go in the blind.......after wards it was placed behind a rock about 50-75 yards out in front of us.