Author Topic: Encore Range Report and Question  (Read 1003 times)

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Offline Ranger413

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Encore Range Report and Question
« on: July 04, 2003, 07:27:31 PM »
Took my .223 Encore to the range today to do some testing with 3 different kinds of ammo.  I had on tap 2 loads from Hornady, the 40gr. V-Max Moly and the 55gr. V-Max Moly.  I also had a box of the Winchester 55gr. PSP variety.

Shot from about 10 to 11am.  Here in NW Arkansas it was hitting about 85 degrees by that time.  I was sweating as I shot needless to say.  Slight breeze was blowing as well.

Shot the 40gr V-Max first.  Printed about 3/4" high centered above the center of my cross hair target.  Perfect.  The box says that you're supposed to sight in .8" at 100 yards to have it zeroed at 200 yards.  The three round group measured 3/4".  

I wasn't as happy with the 55gr. V-Max.  It printed about 4.5" high and 1" left at 100 yards.  Group size was about 7/8" for three rounds.  

The last round tested was the Winchester 55gr. PSP.  It too printed about 4.5" high, but more centered than the 55gr. V-Max.  Group size was about 1 3/8".  

Overall I was pleased with the shooting session.  Really happy with the 40gr. Hornady loads.  I'm sure I could fine tune it a bit with reloads.  I've taken the liberty of doing the electrical tape thing between my fore end and barrel.  

My question:  I noticed while shooting the string of 3 rounds that each time the rounds "climbed".  The first round hit, the second was a touch higher, and the third a touch higher than that.  I don't think it's me because it happened with each string of three.  Is the barrel moving due to heat?  What can help this, besides the obvious of waiting longer between shots.  I was giving it about 2 minutes.

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Offline quicksdraw45

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Encore Range Report and Question
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 06:29:48 AM »
For the vertical stringing you need to look at how your forend is mounted , possible that a hanger bar forend mount system will cure the problem .
Break action rifles can also be picky about were the front rest is , Most commonly as close to the action is best (not a hard fast rule).
You dont say what you have for sights/scope , I would be looking for the best shooting group and then adjust the sights for that ammo , I have never shot factory ammo in my .223 encore but my handloads have printed 5 shots under 1/2 inch at 100 yards but usually 5/8 is a good 5 shot group for me.

Offline Ranger413

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Encore Range Report and Question
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2003, 09:27:10 AM »
Yeah, I know about moving the groups around.  The 40gr. variety just happened to be exatly where I wanted it.  Didn't want to shift it around after such a good group.

The scope I'm using is a Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9X40mm.  Mounted in Warne Maxima bases and QD rings.  Planned scope for this rifle is a Bushnell Elite 4200 4-16X40mm.  I already have the non-QD rings for it.

I'm not that worried about the vertical stringing, but just wondered if there was something more to it than the barrel heating.  I was shooting from a narrow "owl ear" style bag just behind the front swivel.  I've heard before that the closer to the action the sandbag is the better.  Well, if I'm shooting with a bipod while hunting that would mess things up a bit.  So, I'll stick with the swivel area for now.  Can't be too disappointed with sub MOA groups with factory loads.  

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Offline DannoBoone

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Hanger Bar
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2003, 01:15:10 PM »
I'll second the hanger-bar suggestion.  VVCG makes 'em for the factory
barrels (but then, ya need to get a forearm from them, too). Once I
tried one, swore I'd never go back.
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Offline hyltoto

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shoot more than 3 shot groups
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2003, 03:27:34 PM »
Now that you have a rough feelfor performance, shoot 5 shot groups. This will help minimize random variation. If you are still getting a pronounced verticle string, You may have a loose or broken sight. I've noticed that my encores will move as they heat up, untill you do your fore-end modifications.

Offline rpseven

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Encore Range Report and Question
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2003, 07:24:44 AM »
Are you letting your barrel cool down between shots? Is the barrel broke in? Are you cleaning it between groups? These to play a role in how your groups turn out.