Author Topic: Cabela's used gun prices  (Read 3516 times)

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Offline Tunaman

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Cabela's used gun prices
« on: February 12, 2008, 11:57:48 AM »
I stopped by the local Cabela's today. I took a few minutes to look at the used gun selection, which was not bad at all. The only problem is that the guns were priced as much or more than when they were new. This store is relative new and seems like a great place but the prices in this specific dept. seemed out of whack. Is this the norm for Cabela's or will this change? I am not trying to bash Cabela's I am just wondering. The selection was pretty good, as I said, I found a Rem Mod 7 in 223 that was very nice. The only problem was that it was a 223 and I really do not need a 223. There were 3 mod 70's in 270, 30/06 and 7mmwsm. The 270 was in bad shape or it would probably have found a new home.  There were several savages, a couple of handis and a few A bolts. All in all, it was a pretty good selection. If the price's come down, I may spend a little money there.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 12:00:06 PM »
Prices have gone up on everything lately.  Guns, brass, bullets, especially imported stuff.  The dollar has fallen on foreign markets, making imported things higher.  It has a snowball effect and raises our prices too. 

Offline Tunaman

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 12:13:53 PM »
So you are saying that my guns are now worth more than I payed for them brand new. Some, maybe, but all?

Offline Tunaman

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 12:15:25 PM »
So you are saying that my guns are now worth more than I payed for them brand new. Some, maybe, but all? I certanly mean no disrespect but that can't possibly be true.

Offline corbanzo

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 12:31:54 PM »
It is not just you.  I have been to two cabelas stores, and their used guns are for the most part all far overpriced for what they are.  Cabelas is my number one choice for gear and fishing, but when it comes to those in store gun prices... they are just a little over the top. 

I'm not sure why a company that prides themselves on being able to bring their items for very fair prices would sell guns for so much, but that is the way it is. 

After seeing what I saw, I made a decision: no gun shopping at cabelas.  Just the other things that I need.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline sniperVLS

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 05:34:15 PM »
Not Cabelas but....

2 weeks ago I bought a New 870 Tactical OD green 12 gauge at Gander Mountain. The guy behind the counter told me to check out the used rack because the same model was available. I humored him and want over, it was only $20.00 less than the new one and was dinged up! I told him their price was outrageous. He gave the usual "I don't set the prices" and changed the subject.

Outrageous I tell you  >:(

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2008, 03:17:28 AM »
Yep!! here in (Dundee) used guns goes for 20-50 less then the new ones!! I've yet to fine a good deal on a used gun anywhere in any gun store!!

Offline deerslayer79

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2008, 03:57:31 AM »
Gander Mt is as bad or worse.We have one in Salisbury Md,A friend of mine traded a remmy 700 in 30-06,excellent shape BTW,for a Tikka.Gander Mt.gave him around $350 for the remmy.the same gun is on their used rack for $575.Okay,something just doesn't add up IMHO.
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Offline mountainview

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 04:58:35 AM »
Gander has always been up front with me about their prices on a used gun. Usually they base their offer on the blue book value and then note that they will sell it at a 30% or so markup. If I am not happy with that, I just head for the door since I do have other options.

Offline corbanzo

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2008, 08:02:23 AM »
Well here is my take on it.  Those larger stores don't need to make much money on their used firearms, which means they don't need to move them fast, becasue there are lots of other things that they sell.  So if they mark something high, somebody shows some interest in it, and then makes a "heat of the moment" purchase, then they are going to make some extra money off of it.  In the world of used firearms, the dealer usually isn't going to make a bunch of money anyways, unless they either over price them, which usually happens, or low ball the initial seller, which if they do, that in most cases would cause the seller to go elsewhere. 

I was at a cabelas in Arizona, and saw a desert eagle in .50AE, which was in about 90% condition, you could tell it was used, and they were selling it for $1200!  I have seen that exact same handgun brand new for under $1000, I think $950 was the least I had seen it. 

But that is one of those guns... where you get the one sap who doesn't shop around much, and just decides he has money to unload and buys it....

Some of the smaller shops need to move their inventory, so they can't afford to have the gun sit there until the impulse buyer comes.
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Offline Tunaman

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2008, 08:38:03 AM »
That makes a lot of sense. Like I said, I was just wondering if that was normally the case.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2008, 02:10:55 PM »
I agree with Corbanzo, prices for guns at Cabelas are way too high.  They get much more exposure than the local gun shop and sooner or later some schmuck will bite.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2008, 08:44:20 AM »
For the larger guys, I would say it is common practice.  And also in those places, the salesmen usually have no control over price.  If you go into your small LGS, you are most likely talking to the owner or a close friend or relative of him/her, and they have been given the power to haggle over price.  If you went into Cabelas, thought a price was unfair, and made an offer.. they would tell you sorry.. can't do anything. 

I think that especially with used guns it is important to shop around and see what others are selling a gun for, and also keep a copy of the blue book of gun values and gun traders guide.  They cost about $25 each and can pay for themselves pretty quick.  If you have a place you like, and see a gun cheaper elseware, make an offer.. if they don't accept the offer... just let them know you will take your business elsewhere.

But I would also say the same can be true of some gun shops, but for a different reason.  When I went to college, I was in Flagstaff, AZ, and there was a shop there that we frequented which had a great selection of firearms.  Anything you could imagine, and the guy also had his class III license, so you bet your @$$ we were in there quite often seeing what he had in stock.  He had that draw because of his tactical and exotics stock, but if you looked at his regular and used gun prices, they were usually about $100-$150 higher, across the board, than the next shop, which was about 1/4 of a mile away.  I heard him talking to a guy who had sold him a few used handguns... and when he was talking about the prices he would buy them off the guy...  there is no way I would of accepted the money he was offereing, but it was because of the diversified inventory that he didn't need to worry about your "normal" everyday guns and their prices.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2008, 08:58:38 AM »
I have only been in a Cabela's store one time and was surprised at the high prices on some common used guns.  At the same time Cabela’s advertised prices on selected new firearms were very attractive.  The downside, which is not the fault of Cabela’s, is the cost of shipping a firearm to a out of State FFL, and then paying the FFL holder.  Any saving is lost.
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Offline jvs

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2008, 10:12:16 PM »
The big stores are in the business of selling New guns and sell used ones either as a consequence of taking trade-ins or just buying collections out.  Either of which may be called a 'service' to you.

Which makes me wonder what Cabelas or other big stores might allow you on a trade-in, or what the offers are when they are buying or trading used. 

New car dealers are the same way.   

That's right... I am now comparing Cabelas and the others with those trusty car dealers.

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Offline 1sourdough

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2008, 03:00:12 AM »
 I'll pass on Cabela's or Gander on any gun buying, & most everything else. It's nice to look & maybe burn up some points from the Cabela's card. Only when they have a closeout price or a very special pre hunting season sale is it worth getting excited about. The best gun deals are local FTF from a guy who is selling. Other than that I support my local shop.
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Offline Jim See

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2008, 01:47:30 PM »
I made an offer on a gun at Gander last year and the sales guy said they no longer negotiate, and that prices are set by corporate, store managers no longer have negotiating privileges.
2 years ago I found 2 nice Rem 700 at a Gander prices were very good and I told the guy I'd take both. He then knocked $30 bucks off the price, I asked him why and he said because your buying two, don't expect that anymore.  2 years ago was the last time I seen good prices on new or used at a chain store.

That's what the markets coming to. Little guys go out of business, big guys corner market and raise prices.

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Offline Ron/Pa.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2008, 02:23:09 PM »
I am amazed that every gun shop I go into has used guns up the Wazoo!! At a Punxsutawney , Pa. Gunshop I went too they had a beat up Rem. 7600 pump. He wanted 400.00$ for the d$#% thing! He made it sound like that was a heck of a deal! The way I figure is that a gun should last a lifetime and with more and more getting out of the Hunting scene and the price of Ammo skyrocketing they are going to be stuck with a bunch of useless inventory . Pay back is a B@#$%!!

Offline 30-30man

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2008, 02:43:40 PM »
The best place to buy used guns is from individuals period.  I've never seen a deal at any gun shop on a used gun.  I guess that is why most of them are dying.  Too much competition from the bigger stores. Dicks, Academy etc.  It is the same thing in almost all the ones I visit.  The used gun price is only slightly less or sometimes much more than a new one.  I've seen Remington 870 express' with asking prices of $375, that is more than a new one cost in my area.  As far as Cabelas is concerned, I've always found it cheaper other places.  I only use Cabelas catalog as a reference, then I find it at another place often for many coins cheaper.  Cabelas and saving money are not even closely related.  Their bargain bin is a joke too, I've found the same item for often half of what Cabelas is asking for it in the bargain bin.  Nothing against Cabela's but the best deal is often never found there.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2008, 03:34:14 PM »
Same with Bass Pro. They are all over priced. They have a few used guns that they have the same model in new on the shelves and they are the same price or more. So you might as well buy new in that case.
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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2008, 08:54:47 AM »
New guns = compare at gun shops, used guns = newspaper & word of mouth

Offline strob2000

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2008, 01:57:54 PM »
Been to numerous Gander Mtn's and one Cabela's and they are all terribly overpriced on used guns.  Try a local sales network if you have one in your area, I've seen plenty of good deals on there.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2008, 04:44:36 PM »
i wonder if big stores would rather have the used guns around to help sell the new guns.
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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2008, 02:12:09 PM »
i live 20 minutes from a cabelas and yes there prices on used guns are very high almost the same price as new guns that are priced at other smaller retailers. there new guns are also outrageous, BUT i did find a 1917 eddystone marked for 290 that was customized very nicely. I went and asked if they could do any better on the price and they marked it down to 225. So they leave some room on there prices to go down is the way i see it, they have marked up in case they can get an impulse buy. So in the fall when you get them spend 150 get 30 off or spend 500 get whatever off,, ask them there best price on the used gun and use that flyer and you get a very cheap gun

Offline Doe Dumper

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2008, 04:55:56 PM »
I like buying used guns from locals and a pawn shop thats in the area. Got a 1952 model 760 in 300 savage with a vintage redfield 2x7 on it for $200 bucks at that shop...probably the best bargain I have found on a used gun. It was a near 90% gun and shoots like a dream. The deals are out just have to watch and be in the right place. I wouldnt even attempt to buy a used gun from Cabelas or GM..

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2008, 05:26:09 PM »
Cabela's puts fantasy land prices on their used guns.  I wouldn't even consider buying a gun (new or used) from them with the way their prices are.  Dick's sometimes has good prices but they NEVER stock enough of them to make it half a day through the sale, then you're stuck with a rain check for a price on a gun that MIGHT come in 2 months down the road.

No, I buy from my local shop.  The owner is a good guy who does a lot of fighting for our RKBA.  His prices are sometimes a little high but he will always haggle with you and if you're in the shop at the right time of day he'll order you lunch on the house.  ;D

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2008, 05:34:53 PM »
I recently bought one at cabelas after telling them it was priced over new cost and they did come down on the price and said "we dont mark used guns up much" i told them if that was the case they need to fire the guy that took that one in. a guy was there with a cherry winchester 1984 and they offered him all of 300 bucks for it. but when i bought one it took 3 people over an hour to sell it and a escort to the door.
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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2008, 05:37:44 AM »
At our local Gander Mountain I have actually seen used versions of the same exact model and caliber higher priced than the new ones in the same store. I say its a matter of some employee being completely lazy if they fail to point this out to those who have the power to fix it. I also hate hearing them tell customers blatant lies about why their prices are so high. Its always the manufacturer or someone elses fault. Its never their companies greed. They have no come back when you point out the same gun is $100-$150 everywhere else. They currently have a used Taurus PT1911 priced $200 higher than I paid for the same gun new 3 months earlier in the same store.

I have also been given the bull-**** speech about all the extras you get as the reason their prices went up. They can keep their stupid gun sock and free one time cleaning and give me a better price. Of course they also claim the gun lock the manufacturer supplied as a bonus item from them. Nothing turns me away more than a line of bull.

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2008, 07:23:02 AM »
I was at sportsmans warehouse a few weeks ago, asking this guy about a rifle, a weatherby, and I asked him about the price of a different model.  He said to me, "the manufacturer sets the prices, so we don't have anything to do with it."

I just gave him a strange look and walked off.  What an idiot.  If you went by the MSRP, you wouldn't sell one damn rifle. 
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

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Re: Cabela's used gun prices
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2008, 08:10:14 PM »
I have bought four used guns from Gander Mountain.  Bought a Walther P99 with all the paperwork that looked like it has never been fired for $280.  Got a Ruger Bearcat that looked great, no box, faint rings on the cylinder for $160; and then the gunsmith got some cold blue and made the rings disappear at no charge.  A CZ550FS in 6.5x55 w/ box, unfired for around $470.  Best of all, got a "factory refurbished" BFR in .475 Linebaugh.  Called the factory and found out the gun was mismarked, it was actually a new gun.  Walked out the door with it for under $450!!!!  For me, I think Gander was more than fair....

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