I'm not a target shooter, you won't see me posting any targets with touching holes. I could, I've shot a few sighting in. I'm a hunter, I shoot critters. Moose, Caribou, bears, wolves, Coyotes, Foxes, and Lynx. Would love to shoot Dall Sheep and Rocky Mtn. Goats, but they are for young men, of which I am not one. I own many guns bolts, pumps, levers, semi-autos, and several single shots. For my personal use I usually grab a Handi. The Handi will match or beat any of the rest of them. A lot of my shots are over 300 yards, and the Handi will do that. I sometimes need a second follow up shot and my Handis will make it. They are rugged, light, and easy to carry. But the number one reason is that you can hit your intended target with one. It will do it's part, if you do yours.