I wouldn't get my hopes up too high on this guys!
I used to work in a brass foundry, and my brother still runs one, and I also worked in a machine shop, and granted this was a few years back, and manufacturing techniques have come a long way, but unless these people have developed a sure fire way to mass produce, and turn out a quality polished product, as you guys would expect, I don't see how they could do it for what everyone is willing to pay for them.
It would take a pretty big investment just to set up, and then you couldn't expect to make it up for quite some time on just sales from just regular customers like you and I, and then without supplying them to the factory as well, you see what I'm saying?
Small scale, labor intensive, turn out one at a time, and he only gets limited time to work on them,......Well again, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high, because he can't be making much on this to make it worth his while for the long haul!
Talley is willing to go that extra mile and supply them, and plus they are willing to advertise here for your business, so I would tend to trust their track record.
Sorry to sound nagative, and I could be completely wrong, but I'm just giving an opinion speaking from some experience trying to do similar things in the past, and just to kind of give you guys a heads up.