Beware once you start chasing them it becomes additive, they are about the only fish I go after. The only problem is your fishing in Missouri where the smallmouth fishing has been going down hill for years. My favorite Ozark streams have been filling up with gravel for the last 20 years and spotted bass taking their place. Some of the creeks I fish are so full of gravel the spotted bass are disappearing too. If you really want to get into great smallie fishing you need to go north to MN, WI or Canada. Besides large numbers of fish they have what can best be described as broad shoulders. They grow very slow up north a 12" fish may be 8 years old. They are much thicker then our faster growing Missouri smallies and they are much stronger. My personnel best smallie was 22" caught in a small river in norther WI. I hope to go back this year and see if he has grown another 1" in the last 5 years.