Thanks swamp man ! I'll hunt with my 20ga/Hey I have a call like that lol! I'm hoping!
Markus don't know about that one ,I think Delaware has too many rules and just might have to take the trip back to Fort Leonard-wood to do this! I understand why because it's a small state ,but gee-per! We see flocks of them here! A class on turkey huh ! Never heard that one! ::)I think I just might leave the Delaware hunting up to the froghunter ! I know when we bought a small game lic/there wow what a hurdle that you go threw and you know Fort Bragg,N.C ,Fort Stewart,Ga or here never had a problem. I know My home state Maine has some harry ones as well. But I've really enjoyed hunting here so much. It surly will be interesting to see how thing's go there! But Thanks for the heads up!
Mrs. Froghunter