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Offline rockbilly

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The Angry White Man.........
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:31:41 PM »
Wow, and he got this published in a paper!!!  And the beautiful thing about it, in every area he is dead on!

In election 2008, don't forget Angry White Man

Gary Hubbell   February 9, 2008

There is a great amount of interest in this year's presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates — a woman and an African-American — while the conservative Republicans are in a quandary about their party's nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.

Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.

There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.

His common traits are that he isn't looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.

The victimhood syndrome buzzwords — "disenfranchised," "marginalized" and "voiceless" — don't resonate with him. "Press 'one' for English" is a curse-word to him. He's used to picking up the tab, whether it's the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.

He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a "living document" open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.

The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he's willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn't bother him.

The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.

His last name and religion don't matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.

He's a man's man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, spend a few bucks at a strip club once in a blue moon, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn't ask for a penny He's the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.

Women either love him or hate him, but they know he's a man, not a dishrag. If they're looking for someone to walk all over, they've got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says "Yes, sir" and "No, ma'am."

He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.

He's not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He's willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.

Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don't pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.

He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It's not that she is a woman. It's that she is who she is. It's the liberal victim groups she panders to, the "poor me" attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.

There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush.

He hopes that she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.


Offline buffermop

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 04:40:25 PM »
AMEN BROTHER, You said it all!!

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 04:51:21 PM »
Everything posted is just how I feel.  The other Demo candidate also grates on my soul for the same reasons.  Look at his co sponsership of the Poverty Act that requires the President to devise a foreign policy that reduces world wide poverty to 1/2 of its current population.  Congress must further approve the plan, so as to be consistent with the Acts intent.  Why is this candidate better than Hillary?  They look one and same to me. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 05:09:47 PM »
I agree 100% yes. Dale
The quality of a mans life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence.

A bad day at the range is better than a good day at work!!

Offline Cheesehead

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 03:47:50 AM »
I am defiantly an angry white man, but I am not angry all the time, just when I need to be.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance.

Offline oldandslow

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 05:29:39 AM »
According to that description I am definitely an angry white man.

Offline Heavy C

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2008, 09:45:13 AM »
My sentiments exactly!

Angry Heavy C   >:(

Offline Dee

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 11:09:34 AM »
YEP! But I'm only angry MOST OF THE TIME.
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Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2008, 12:12:44 PM »
Unless civil disobedience occurs, the solution to we angry white men is in the polls.  This is the only way in which we can get equal treatment under law, constructionists judges, and strict adherence to Constitutional principles, by forcing elected officials to keep the oath of office.  Only we as voters, can remove those who disregard these principals.  If we have to do this in timed stages, so be it.  If we have to vote for the lessor of 2 evils for these principals to be preserved until all of them are out, so be it.  I for one, will not waste my vote for a third party candidate, who has no chance of winning an election, that thus places another worse candidate in office to further take away my rights.  That is against common sense and logic.  We can only win back our Constitutional rights and Republic form of government by continued vigilence and exercise of our voting rights in every election; local including school boards, State, and Federal, especially Congress.  We must not maintain our apathy and complacent attitudes, if we are to survive as an independent nation.  If we do not do this, the angry white man, will sooner or later, act on the despotism he is under with violence.  That can be prevented and should be.  There is no real reason with our voting power, we cannot throw out those elected officials, who do not adhere to their promises, oaths of office and Constitutional principles.  The government of the people, by the people, and for the people, can derive its powers only from the voting people.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Dee

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2008, 03:12:11 PM »
The reason we continue to get evil, is because EVERYONE considers it a waste of their vote to vote 3rd party. The lessor of two evils is just that. Evil! That's all one will ever get. To think OTHERWISE is in it self is against common sense. If you always do, what you have always done, you will always get, what you have always got!
The problems of voting for the "lessor of two evils" is APATHY ITSELF. It is an admission of defeat, and a form of "going along with the business as usual politician". As long as the American voter is "willing" to vote for the "lessor of two evils", that is the only kind of candidates we will get. We WILL STAY IN THE BOX WE HAVE BEEN PUT IN, WHICH IS THE TWO PARTY BOX. ADMIT IT OR NOT, WE ARE IN A "BOX".
Ron Paul, a strict Constitutionalists, a strong believer in the Bill of Rights, and a  TRUE REPUBLICAN, is living proof of all of this. His voting record was there for all to see, and the wishy washy Americans, on this very forum, made every excuse in the world NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM, and now the opportunity is all but lost, and everyone is crying like babies, over what they have left for candidates. We as a whole are getting what we deserve.
Angry white man? How about APATHETHIC white man. How about BLIND, REFUSING TO TAKE A STAND white man. How about STAYING IN MY DESIGNATED BOX, white man. When all the Republican debates were going on most of the folks on this forum sounded just like the damn news media. Some wanted the actor, some wanted the preacher, some wanted the Mormon, some wanted the Mass. Governor, and almost none wanted the Senator from Arizona. All said, about each of their choices; I can live with this, or I can live with that. Ron Paul and his voting record were on display, and he was criticized and ignored. You say you want 2nd Amendment Rights? So does Ron Paul. You say you want the borders closed? So does Ron Paul. You say you want a fair tax? So does Ron Paul. And on and on. Almost all here ignored, or did like the MEDIA WANTED YOU TO DO. You made fun of him. I made the statement well into this, and on this forum, that the MEDIA WOULD CHOOSE OUR CANDIDATES, and they DID!
Well everyone listened to the MEDIA HYPE, and EVERYONE DID, WHAT THEY ALWAYS DO, AND EVERYONE GOT, WHAT THEY'VE "ALWAYS" GOT. THE ONE CANDIDATE NONE OF US WANTED. MCCAIN! And now every one is doing what they have always done afterwards. Complained, and made excuses concerning the "lessor of two evils". Everyone ONCE AGAIN, has been hit over the head with the "lessor of two evils" AND ONCE AGAIN, still don't get it. JMO
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline scout34

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 03:33:44 PM »
This is not a case of the lessor of two evils.  What we have here is the evil of two lessors.

I'm with Dee.  Vote your conscience and have faith, it'll work itself out for better or worse.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 05:09:34 PM »
This is not a case of the lessor of two evils.  What we have here is the evil of two lessors.

I'm with Dee.  Vote your conscience and have faith, it'll work itself out for better or worse.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


The reason we continue to get evil, is because EVERYONE considers it a waste of their vote to vote 3rd party probem 

Paul running on the Republican ticket, one of the 2 major parties, had his chance and blew it.  Why it happened, is not relevant.  My preferential candidate blew it too with Republicans, but until we get all elected officials removed who despise the Constitutional principles, you are correct in that we shall reap what we sow.  And by not voting for a nominated candidate that doesn't meet your criteria, but whose political positions are closer than the oppositions, that is evil?  Ron Paul did not run as a third party candidate and even refused to be a 3rd party candidate, as he's stated.  So, what 3rd party candidate should we vote for?  So, I vote for a write in or not at all, and that may be the vote to put either Hitlery and her no good husband in office, or I get a potential Manchurian candidate, that would sell us out to socialism and bankruptcy by doing away with world poverty.  Do I just wait for divine providence to protect me from outside evils I foresee, or do I select a course of action which may prevent it?  Stand on your pride as holding to your individual convictions and you will be further from your goals than ever before; after Obama or Hitlery take office.  I don't KNOW that McCain is evil, some things I don't like, some I do; I do know the other 2 ARE evil, as nothing about any of their policies I like.  Like I said, I'm going to continue to fight evil with the best weapon I legally can, until we can put away our petty differences and vote collectively toward someone with constructionist and Constitutional principles that can be electable.  That isn't apathy, it is my duty.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Brett

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2008, 02:44:51 PM »
GB, The North Carolina primaries won't be held until May 6th so we are allowed to stay angry at least till then.  ;D
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Offline Heavy C

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2008, 04:16:26 PM »
Ron Paul's problem was not a lack of showmanship, but a lack of leadership.  I watched him on an hour long interview with Glenn Beck.  He was told, "we are dedicating the ENTIRE hour to you so you can fully explain your positions and your plan".  Glenn felt that the mass media had used sound bites to make RP look foolish.  I will agree that RP has good positions on many issues, but lacked a plan for how to get this country back to where it needs to be.  For example, he stated he would abolish the IRS.  "FANTASTIC!", I thought.  But then he was asked what would you do after you got rid of it.  In other words do you have a plan to replace the money the IRS brings in.  No, I would just get rid of them is what he responded.  You could hear crickets chirping.

I will concede this country has many troubles and we desperately need to turn things around, but I have no regrets about not voting for Ron Paul.  Good ideas are only good ideas.  Without a plan of action it's just a bunch of hot air!

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2008, 04:45:31 PM »
Heavy C, I think you put a finger on what it is that makes me uncomfortable about Ron Paul.   His ideals are great but I have not heard him flesh them out and present a solid game plan on how he intends to accomplish his goals.  I think his presidency would be much like that of Jimmy Carter's, largely ineffectual.
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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 08:11:22 AM »
Then vote for john McCain. You'll love his politics.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2008, 11:15:07 AM »
Well, I truly don't know where to go, I've been voting for the lesser of two evils, and at the same time holding up the republican party, that hasn't been holding their end of things up either.
So now somehow I'm even feeling guilty for wanting to write in a person when I vote, because of the good Americans around me, and here,  think I'll somehow be shafting them.

There isn't one person on this sight I would want to go against, I figure we are all pretty much the same...but what's a guy supposed to do when he knows it just doesn't seem right
to keep holding up a party, that in my opinion doesn't deserve it?  Why is the republican party able to get away with letting so many down, and still be help up because they are not quite as bad as the one alternative?  It seems like this party is taking a different path lately, one that is much more liberal, or they do not dare say it like it is, and fight for our borders, fight for our freedom.
They want to "reach out"...why?   The NRA is getting the same way it seems......another organization I'm ready to quite because they seem to be turning away form the path somehow. is a story for you...I moved a couple years ago and the NRA must have lost track of me, anyways, even after I sent in more money they found me, and started calling four times a week,  I kept telling them I sent them money and I'm a night they called again and the guy asked me if I'm waiting for my next payday or what?
Hair stood up on the back of my neck, could not believe anyone would talk like that to a person.  Too bad I already bought some more years of membership long before that call.

So when groups, or parties, or any establishment starts down the wrong path, it seems somebody out to be able to walk away, or what is it really all about? 
So I've been told in other elections, by voting for the third party, you'll wind up handing it over to the worst ones.   Like it's those people's fault too that went third party.

I think Dee has a point there, we'll get what we always get, and if it gets a little worse, we'll always be getting a little worse.  How bad does it need to get before more
people break away? 
I honestly don't know what to do...I had things all talked over with my wife....she thinks like I do kind of...let it hit rock bottom, give them what they asked for.
We climb up the ladder after it get super bad....kind of like the Carter thing I guess.  People had enough of that too and we got a real conservative after it was bad enough.

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2008, 12:21:37 PM »
Jimster & Dee:

Both of you raise valid points.  It is a difficult position we are in now.  I suppose we could let things hit rock bottom, but I shudder to think of what that will mean to everyone here in terms of taxes, gun ownership, etc.  Either way it stinks.

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2008, 02:28:54 PM »
Jimster & Dee:

Both of you raise valid points.  It is a difficult position we are in now.  I suppose we could let things hit rock bottom, but I shudder to think of what that will mean to everyone here in terms of taxes, gun ownership, etc.  Either way it stinks.

Heavy C, I for one am getting very long in the tooth. I am at the stage in my life where they can, and may pass ANY law they wish concerning taxes and gun ownership. The problem lays in ENFORCING THEM on old geezers such as myself. They (the government) can take a lot of things, but their not getting my dignity, or my guns. Those two will go together, but neither will go quitely.
The politicians have put the general public in two boxes. A Republican Box, and a Democrat Box. SOMEBODY, built a new Box. It's called the Independent Box. Now everybody can stay in their designated boxes, or they can grow some gonads and crawl out of the ASSIGNED BOXES, and DO WHAT'S RIGHT. i.e. VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE THAT "TRULY" REPRESENTS THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS. Ok, I'm shouting. I spent 20 years in a leadership role, in a job you could get yourself or someone else killed. POINT? I led by EXAMPLE. I did not ask my men to do what I was not willing to do, and they knew it, and they followed WILLINGLY, because the trusted me. Now I am an old man, and nobody gives a damn what I think, but I AM NOT FOLLOWING a fool. My signature at the bottom of my posts says EXACTLY how I feel, and how I live my life. I ain't perfect, and don't claim to be. But a liar is a liar, and I WILL NOT vote for one knowingly. Anyone that says I am throwing away my vote can kiss my old southern a#@! I will not vote for a fool, to keep another fool out of office. I climbed out of their boxes years ago, and have no intention of getting back in until they show me something worth following. Paul, is out, and I know it. He ain't flashy, and he ain't loud, but he ain't a fool either. He does what he says he'll do, and his record PROVES IT. He goes about his business in a quite, determined fashion, and sticks to his guns NO MATTER THE COST. He won't cave in and lie, just to win. Hell, I'd follow him. I know where he stands. But that's just me.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Brett

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2008, 02:33:15 PM »
Then vote for john McCain. You'll love his politics.

He makes me even more uncomfortable.   :(  

So the way I see it my choices are; A) Vote for the guy with good ideals who in all likelihood will be unable to accomplish anything he sets out to do or  b) Vote for the Jack@$$ who I only agree with half of what he claims to stand for but may be able to get at least some of it accomplished... and just hope it's from the half that I agree with.   :-\  

Sounds like a loose loose situation to me.  
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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2008, 02:36:21 PM »
Well Brett, you can sit around and wring your hands. Vote for the clown and join the circus. That's the popular thing.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2008, 02:54:55 PM »
Well Brett, you can sit around and wring your hands. Vote for the clown and join the circus. That's the popular thing.

I'm not generally known for following the crowd or doing the "popular thing".   Heck, I'm one of the handful of people who voted for Ross Perot back in '92 and '96.
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Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2008, 03:01:27 PM »
I'm not in debate with anyone who posted here.  Ron Paul, if he is Independence Party candidate should have run on its platform instead of Republican.  If he is Republican, he is upholding the underlying party platform and is to be commended.  I do not like McCain, I think he is the best candidate right now on some of my required positions.  I do not like everything with the Independence Party or Constitution Party platforms.  I do believe most of their candidates truly do follow the constructionist principles and I like a lot of them.   I do not think, nor believe, that Lieberman is an Independent, yet the party ran him for election.  If I don't trust the Democrats party politics and the Independents are doing the same, why should I trust them?  I agree that one must stand up for his rights in whatever forum or venue is necessary.  However, I am not like most here at GBO, that think we should get out of Iraq immediately, I disagree.  So, I cannot vote for candidates that do, as that is honor also.  I cannot vote for a candidate that refuses my right to firearms possession, so that leaves out all Dems.  I'm long in tooth also and think the least government possible is best.  My biggest concern with the leading candidates are their ridiculous stand on illegal immigration.  It is now, continues to, and will be a major problem in the US.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2008, 03:04:05 PM »
Well Brett, you can sit around and wring your hands. Vote for the clown and join the circus. That's the popular thing.

Not necessarily popular, but some people still feel that stopping the greater of two evils is better than nothing.

I am sorry for those that are not getting their candidate, not that it's been suggested that primary time is too late to get a revolution started, or something like that.......

Vote your conscious, whether you feel like making a third party or write in statement, or you feel like one of the candidates moves you, or you feel that one needs to be stopped above all else.

And then, if you are not happy with the situation, START planning now for 2012.  Get involved.

+1 Deltecs.

Offline zacharoo

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2008, 03:13:31 PM »

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2008, 03:36:32 PM »
Paul supporters also hoped to benefit from the second election, with local backers setting up a Web site,, urging Democrats to ignore the meaningless primary on their side of the ballot for the chance to muck around in Republican Party politics.

“The key thing to realize here is that you have nothing to lose,” the Web site says. “Voting in the Republican primary is NOT a vote in favor of the Republican Party. Rather, it is an opportunity to stack the deck on the Republican side with your preference.”

Fox News 2/19/08

So much for Paul being a Republican.  Does he want to win so bad that he, himself, is willing to back door the party of his choice to be President?  So much for his ethics and voting for him does waste a vote according to this. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Heavy C

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2008, 04:36:43 PM »
Dee, believe it or not I do understand where you're coming from.  If the election goes the way I think it will go you, myself, and everybody here will probably find ourselves fighting for everything we hold near and dear. 

NC gets what Deltecs, Brett and I are saying.  Build on what RP started and make a strong run in 2012.  This election will be about keeping the Dems out of the White House, and it will be an uphill battle every step of the way.

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2008, 04:55:19 PM »
I agree that this election will be about keeping the Democrats out of office.  Voting independent will not help in that regard.  The "Angry White Man" thing needed to include both democratic candidates. 

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2008, 08:16:12 PM »
I'll go with Paul with a good constituency behind him.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline scout34

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Re: The Angry White Man.........
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2008, 01:50:57 AM »
I think that this has become about showing the "conservative" republican party that they will not get my vote unless they evince the principles that I and most other conservatives hold in high esteem.  If we keep voting for them just to block the other guy, they will keep doing the bare minimum needed to get our votes.  That means as the leftist candidates get worse, republican candidates will have to do less and less to keep you voting with them.  Eventually you will be voting for someone who says that they are republican, but for all intensive purposes has a liberal left platform.

What are you afraid of?  Losing your rights?  They weren't "granted" by government anyway.  Become an angry white man with a PURPOSE,  get together with lots of your friends who feel the same way and the government will fear YOU.

Afraid of losing something more?  None of us is getting out of this alive, and that's the only thing man knows about life.  Get right with God, figure out what you stand for and then STAND FOR IT come what may.

If you aren't willing to do that, you mean nothing to those who would rule you and all you're doing here is making noise.