The ship they think the cannons came from was the SHARK (ships weren't called "USS___" until 1911.) The only published list of armament for that ship shows 10 each, 18-pounder carronades, and 2 each, 9-pounder guns, which would have all been iron. When I look at the lump they have suspended from the front-end-loader, it looks to be only about the length of the bucket, maybe 4 feet? I don't think that's long enough for one of the 9-pounders, and the profile of one of the guns on top of the lump doesn't look like a carronade, so I can't tell what they've got. Anyway, it'll be interesting when they get the stuff cleaned up, especially if they can read any of the marks. I can find unpublished lists, such as the last-known list of the ship's gun battery, including all the marks on each one, if they find anything to compare it with.