Whenever I encounter this question on a govt. form (like the census) I will write in HUMAN. After all, we are all descended from the first human Adam who GOD created in His image.
While true Elijah, it is apparent that the races are not happy with this thought. No not one. You see, we are not all Americans. We are African Americans, Hispanic Americans, European Americans, American Indian (Native) Americans, White Americans, Angry White Americans, Black Americans, Angry Black Americans, Black Panther Americans, KKK Americans, NAACP Americans, the Congressional Black Caucus, the American Indian Movement, the Aryan Nation, and on and on.
The races are separating themselves AGAIN, by CHOICE. Even the public schools that were once FORCED to integrate, are slowly segregating THEMSELVES back to race dominance by choice.
The white European had a grand idea of an ALL AMERICAN NATION, however, they have not taken into account that RACE DOES MATTER to other races. We have fooled ourselves into thinking that everyone wants to be like us, and they do not. They want it THEIR WAY. We are allowing our government to give our country away, and are allowing the government to extinguish our American Culture, for the sake of going along to get along, when these other races have NO INTEREST in any culture but their own. And we haven't even covered the Moslem religion yet. JMO