Author Topic: bear without bait  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline rangerwillie

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bear without bait
« on: February 24, 2008, 06:39:19 AM »
i live in new york and want to try black bear hunting this fall.  any ideas on how to find bear or bring them in without baiting, since that is illegal in ny.  thanks

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 11:22:15 AM »
i live in new york and want to try black bear hunting this fall.  any ideas on how to find bear or bring them in without baiting, since that is illegal in ny.  thanks

Using several hunters, bear drives seem to be the most effective method in forested areas. I've heard of some hunters "calling" bears with animal distress calls but would be interested in hearing more about this method from anyone who has done this successfully.

Offline bscman

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 05:37:36 PM »
In my state baiting is also illegal--as is "party" hunting, or "drives."

I've found the BEST method is to find an area that has a lot of sign, and just get out there and start spotting.
Look for places where they're rooting, tearing bark of trees, or tearing apart old stumps...they also love the sweet taste of berries. Look for fresh scat.

I spend MUCH of my time concentrating on berries as they are plentiful and my area, and a bear MAGNET! Think of berry patches as "natural" bait sites...the bear will keep coming back until the berries are gone. They love the taste and it's an easy source to get fed.

Calling is hit and miss. Some bears just will NOT answer a call...other times it's almost like you have to catch the bear in the right mood. I've been calling coyotes and bobcat for a few years and have successfully had one bear come in. A few times I've spotted bear (off season, too small, etc) and tried to call 'em with ZERO luck.
I've heard a cub-in-distress or sow in heat call will produce results, but never tried it. I do have a few "bear calling" dvd's though....they pretty much mention the same thing.

Offline moto357

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 01:46:02 AM »
the rangerwilly is me, i was logged in under my fathers name that day i think.  in ny there is nothing in the laws about bear drives being illegal, but i dont plan on hunting with anyone other than myself.  the only problem with finding them around the berries is that as far as i know, there aren't many berries left in the fall hunting season.  there might be some blackberries left in the early bear season, but still im not sure as that doesn't start till mid-late sept.  although i absolutly agree that being in the woods and scouting is by far the best method, im not even sure where to begin.  anyways, i appreciate any help you guys have given so far and im definitly interested in anything else to be said. 

Offline DanP

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 03:36:07 PM »
Spot and stalk won't work, generally.  There are berries -- and cherries -- out during early bear.  But not for the whole period.  IF you see lots of purple poop with pits, and the cherries are not on the trees in numbers, likely won't see much repeat business.  During early bear, the bears are likely nocturnal, as well.

Later in the fall, near when snow flies, bears start eating in earnest (hyperphagia) to get ready for dormancy.  They may be eating up to 20,000 kcals/day, and it can take them 20 hrs/day to get that much calories into them.  THAT is the best time to be looking for them.  Lands near corn fields are a good bet.  Old apple orchards are also a good bet -- if you have access.  Working apiaries (if they're still active when you're hunting) may be good -- but not so likely during later seasons.  Its all about food...

If you're in the woods, lots of the 'Dacks don't have oaks that produce significant acorns (found the oaks and some of the excuses for acorns in poor areas -- usually on southern slopes if you can find 'em).  Beechnuts  don't produce as much as they used to due to beechnut bark disease -- hits both oldest and youngest beechnut trees; middle growth trees produce, but not so much, following a 2-yr cycle.

I've known several guys who hunted the 'Dacks for years, and saw only two or so bears during legal hunting time in their entire experience.  For myself -- never saw more than poop, torn logs, claw marks, bear nests, but no bears.

There is a planning process in progress to extend hunting range and seasons, defining northern and southern zones, ultimately.  They are still collecting public input.  You can see more on the DEC website.


Offline moto357

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 10:53:58 AM »
thanks for the info guys.  yer right, there aren't any oaks around here, im not sure there is much of anything that would be too atractive to a bear, not that im aware of anyways.  i'll try to spend some time in the woods this summer and keep an eye out for sign.  I reckon it wouldn't be all bad since maybe i'll find a new place to hunt the good ol' whitetail.  we'll see what happens i guess, just thought it would be great to try something different and get into the woods a month sooner. 

Offline tck

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 02:16:19 AM »
A friend and I hunt near Hinckley lake, Remsen and Cold Brook areas.  You have to find a food source, during years when the're lots of wild cherries we do OK.  If there are no cherries we don't see any skat or tracks....  This tactic works OK only because
NY has the early bear season in September.  In November the cherries have been eaten and the bears are gone.  good luck   

Offline Perkins

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Re: bear without bait
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 01:14:08 PM »
DanP said spot & stalk does not work, I guess I must be doing something wrong then.
'took ALL my bears spot and stalk; agree that fall hunts are more difficult. Find the food source, find the bears.
Bear in mind that hunting does not mean killing. More often than not I go home without firing a shot.