IG, my party affiliation is undeclared. I'm very conservative in politics. Since the Democratic party encompasses almost every other group that is not conservative, they typically vote along those party lines as evidenced by Bue and Red States. I'm not one of them. So, to prevent either Obama or Clinton from winning the Presidency, I feel it necessary to put aside any differences in my personal belief, by supporting the best electable candidate more inline with them. My point of previous posts was several have posted that they just absolutely will not violate their personal differences to vote for McCain, since he isn't quite the conservative they are. Also, it seems to me to be underhanded that candidates run on a political party platform, which truly isn't their convictions, to either stay or get elected to office. These people seem to me sneaky, unethical, and would do anything to grab power. That bothers me more than party members voting along party lines that agree with their individual political convictions. IE Hitlery moving to NY, just to get elected to the US Senate in preparation for a Presidential run. She couldn't do it in her home State and if she had won there, would not have had enough politcal power to gain national notoriety. She needed NY for the foothold and base to make the run.