Well, guess its a good thing that I didn't get a chance to pattern my turkey gun yet. While cleaning it up
last night I thought I saw something after I got the "test fire" film out of the barrel. Looked like a 1/4 inch
scratch just past the breech and at first I thought I may have done that with the cleaning rod. I got to
thinking about it though and tonight checked it with a strong light and a magnifying glass. Its a crack about
1/4in. long just past the breech on the bottom where the bbl starts. Though the magnifying glass I can see
that it runs to the left in a "quarter circle" pattern back to the breech. I took the barrel off again and can see nothing from the outside of the barrel, but am not going to take any chances and return it to the gun shop and have them order me another one.
Has anyone else ever come across this problem? How did NEF let this one get past their quality control?
This is dangerous to the Nth degree. To say I'm a little peeved would be an understatement!