Anyone that has been on GBs for very long may realize that I am not a fan of the "Royals"..I mean UK royals, not KC royals..LOL
I have no great sympathy for the "relationship" problems they get into, and I think some people here dote too much up[on their adventures/misadventures.
We Americans decided nearly 250 years ago..that we were sick of royalty, let's not resurrect it !
That being said, I must give credit where credit is due..Young Harry served in Afghanistan, and he served in an infantry unit, apparently as a platoon leader in direct contact with the crazies. It appears he must have done so, or the British tabloids would be screaming "foul". All the royal family in Britain are targets for home-grown terrorists
and this will up his personal odds of some nut he carries an extra burden. There is talk of William also serving on a navy ship in the mideast.
Seeing the news videos, I did have to remark upon the HAIR..won't see it with our guys !
But, much as I don't care for "royalty"..I take my hat off to of the vets !
I also must add that apparently he has a bit more courage than some young men in this country..royals or non-royals...LOL